Saturday, February 19, 2011

Star Wars Pine Wood Derby Design

Today I want to play as the classic city of the "Sports Bar"!
Well, the issues, in general, loved by more people have this kind of sport, of course, and politics in national and local variant.
With regard to the latter in pre-election period and election, the debates among the customers are increasing, taking and making, as well as for the football World Cup in times when all you hear coaches, institutional roles and positions of first class, placed on trial programs and drawing up a sort of shopping list for administrators to come.
So, since a few months in my village, Nureci, which are also very attached and whom I hold dear, a few months there will be the elections for the new administration that will guide the next five years, I also subscribe, from a simple citizen, in this contest.

If I were a candidate for mayor of Nureci so set up my program.
I come to illustrate areas for intervention and starting with those that I consider a priority.

I want to state that the regional legislation, some annuities, establishes the criteria for disbursement of resources, the so-called "single", charging the mayor of another important responsibility.
The mayor is in fact obliged, giving the bottom of the virtues of good family, at a cut-paste to meet the growing needs and difficulties that marked his community meets.


The wider range of Nureci population consists of elderly, many of which are components of one person households, octogenarians, and also because of old age, suffering from debilitating diseases that lead to and exacerbate the problems of everyday life .
Under this premise is essential to set a broad communal discourse, that it does a program to rationalize a series of interventions designed to supplement the funding (see customized plans of care, integrated home L.162/98-Assistenza) that each year, are increasingly scarce.
The region of Sardinia, a few years ago, adopted a very innovative law, commonly known "Back Home", which has a double, an extraordinary goal: to bring back, in fact, at home with their joint diseases are extremely complex, and therefore admitted to suitable facilities, with costs, however, very expensive for the regional offices, and to hear them the warmth of their feelings, more often than not a panacea for many mali.Oggi this regional plan, the cutbacks that have hit incredible and still wiped out the regional offices, but most of all, I might add, by way of a short-sighted policy, careless and insensitive in the same region, has suffered an unjustified rallentamento.In regard should be put in place, with the supra-organism reference (Union of Municipalities of ' High Marmilla) and, with the involvement of social services of individual municipalities, a strong claim against the SAR, which also apply for membership strong Anci Sardegna.

Opening and usability of the structure "Senior House".

To better implement and integrate the above said it is important that the City goes to inaugurate the facility at the center of the country. I think that here the real problem will be managing the service, and I refer to the running costs, which are unlikely to be very high.
E 'should design a solution that reconciles the needs of users, as mentioned above increasingly numerous and articulate, with those gestionali.In way, we could imagine a single tender for the social-service home health care and for the use of the House, providing for, among other things, in the context of absolute respect for the rules governing procurement, who will win the race that will also take responsibility for recruiting and training of local work units .

for social policies aimed, instead, to other sections groups, such as childhood, adolescence, young people and adults, you should continue with what has been done so far, even with the benefit of the consortium's program "Two jars, and giving priority to initiatives in gender socialization.


Although this is an area of \u200b\u200bintervention that is close to my heart.
Depopulation and birth control have led over the years, the closure of many schools present and, consequently, has dramatically brought the issue of preservation and protection of fundamental school as a garrison for training the younger generation, our children . In recent years the mayors of the territory have put energy and resources to this obiettivo.E, thanks to the important and positive collaboration of the Montana Community first, and then the Union of Municipalities, for the management of the canteen and school transport services, has created a balance that while not representing an absolute certainty in terms of maintaining the status quo, however, in light of the recent plan approved by the Province Sizing School, leaving at least for the medium term, sufficient garanzie.I municipalities that long ago gave birth to the consortium for the protection and management of schools in the area have constantly, in a relationship of absolute reciprocity, provide resources to ensure quality education.
It goes without saying that the City of Nureci must defend from the threat of these cuts, the State Preschool, which, however, is one of the most modern and equipped.
I also believe that the City should adopt specific projects aimed at motivating students to regain possession of the reading as a tool and teaching aid insostituibile.Ci are, in fact, even in the region, the excellent professionals (I remember the name of Gaetano Marino), real intellectuals and actors, who shall, also commissioned by local authorities, the real planes, starting from the specificity and the problems in that particular area, offering works of art, as, for example, staging most classic fairy tales.


in the programming provided by various universities, you see, to name a few, "Erasmus" and "Globus", or those made by the Region of Sardinia, see "Master and Back" it is important that the City of Nureci to deserving local university, to make available resources, where appropriate, should complement those provided by the plans outlined above, which in most cases is insufficient to complete the path of university and post university.


Nureci, like all other small Neighboring communities, should become part of a sort of cultural way of enabling the community to benefit in this area of \u200b\u200bquality initiatives.
The district, for example, could also be budgeted resources for continued organization of events of special cultural interest, including the presentation of books by the most important Sardinian (just to cite one example Michela Murgia, Marcello Fois, but there there are many others, and an excellent level), besides a section to provide incentives for residents to engage in the writing of short literary works.
You should then be examined, with the supra-municipal bodies in the area and the neighboring municipalities, and integration of structure required to Villaverde, the possibility of building a cultural center of Upper Marmilla also be extended to neighboring towns of Sarcidano (Laconi, Genoni) which provides, inter alia, the construction of a cinema for the screening of films first window with the possibility of creating a cooperative or management company of the place, thus creating jobs.

Environment, Cultural Heritage and Landscape.

E 'essential that the City of Nureci investing environment, understood as a primary asset to protect and exploit the tourist.
regard should continue in the enhancement of the green lung of owned by the municipality, in the "Pranu Mountains, making, in this view, the structure can also be accessed, a few years ago with the" Horse Country "consortium" Two jars.
In the municipality there is also an important paleontological heritage in "Muru Cubeddu.
do not know precisely the state of the art, if I understand it, there should be a structure that the City has committed to "Fossil Museum in the former" House Masili. "It also involved the University of Cagliari, and from media reports and those obtained from the website of the City, should be opening soon yards-excavation of the site, but I think very important continue, even with greater determination, in this setting, but not with the use of considerable resources of a single fund subtracted primary surgery, if anything, or intercepting or accessing community resources axes to any regional funding, including through institutions of supra- territory.

Alternative energy.

In light of recent policies on renewable energy, however, the evolving national and global level, but also the regional landscape, to create, in the short to medium term, a new energy from alternative sources should be that the City of Nureci are promoting, with conviction, and in the manner that best belong in the view of environmental protection and real energy savings for the resident population, the conclusion, through his seminal involvement and active participation of all individuals and different institutions in our district, a memorandum of 'intended for the testing and introduction of more modern techniques of energy supplies from alternative sources on the market.
This part is already planning the immediate future, a train that can not be absolutely perdere.E 'a bet that, in so far as we win, it determines, without a shadow of doubt, the virtuosity and the level of innovation that a mayor or administration in general lead as an added value in carrying out the mandate.

Mobile telephony and ADSL.

For a municipality, such as Nureci that point, having all the credentials to do so, the tourist development of its territory, is of overriding importance to install a repeater of the latest generation mobile system (3G reception ), which also supports quick and easy Internet traffic, besides the voice, smartphones, today very much in use.
It 'also important to provide even and especially in light of recent and innovative programming councilor for General Affairs of the Region of Sardinia, the communal area of \u200b\u200bthe band wide fiber optics, which allows access and use the Net very useful, because of extreme speed in funzionamento.Infine could infrastructure the municipality with the wifi system, wireless internet, to establish definitively the tourist's country.


Here, in an era in which the employment problem is very dramatic, especially in Sardinia and, more importantly, in this territory, the municipality must be very clear to its directors.
The local authority, now more than ever, can not, partly because of the growing national transfers signficativi cuts and regional, to put in place policies that can produce jobs for an indefinite period and therefore substantially and directly affect the growth of socio-economic development.
And then you need to, so to speak, around the obstacle, and raising awareness and educating the public, and citizens, especially young people looking for their first job, a work culture that could be defined alternativo.Ossia, recent studies reveal the trend of hiring up to 2018.Ebbene, the emerging activities require a high level of education and growth specializzazione.In all trades related to the care of persona.Al first place we camerieri.Leader cooks and the percentage of increase: the carers . But vigilantes, truck drivers, gardeners, infermieri.Una unifying feature of the trades that "pull" services to persona.La sphere for individual comfort, assistance, aid, will have a boom with an aging population.
Then, in the light of these data, it would be extremely far-sighted for the city of Nureci also cover policies for training of professionals such as sopramenzionate.Ovviamente are subject to the resources for the classical sites for employment and extreme poverty.

agriculture and pastoralism.

Nureci Although the sector of agriculture and pastoralism is still the primary source of income, INPS pensions aside, however, objective difficulties that the sector is in the public domain.
oltrettutto campaigns in the country serving a year and a marked renal orographic problem in water supply, making it almost prohibitive, the rational exercise of these attività.In regard would be very appropriate, by the municipality, perhaps with the help of 'Union of Municipalities, as the problem is the whole area, commissioned a study to put in some way, this un'argine now anachronistic phenomenon of fragmentation of the campi.Per, however, concerns the water is no longer postponed the construction of the dam "S'Allusia.
addition, the City should do to persuade, together the trade organization, at the industry for a comprehensive and consistent knowledge of all find everything under the new Common Agricultural Plan (CAP).
Finally, action is required in rural roads, where there are critical points.

public works and street furniture.

From informal reports I learned that the City of Nureci would be preparing a design for the construction of a swimming pool or a pole sportivo.Non fondata.Premettendo know if the news is on, then, that I do not have objective data through which develop a final and definitive, but I want to express, in principle and in general, my point vista.Riterrei extremely burdensome for the speaker of the City, especially in ages so melancholy from the point of view, turn on any mortgages, with rates even higher depreciation and debt in the institution for Who knows how many years, for works that could then be the classic cathedrals in the desert, in the sense that, probably, there may be a situation of management which cost more in profits, largely because of the presence, not far from Nureci in the town of Baradili , for a start, in terms of admissions season, and tested pool, with adjoining servizi.Beninteso, the idea is not at issue because the risk of financial exposure of the Municipality, in view of a likely low participation of users, since such a structure can not refer only to the municipal level.

In principle, I believe that Nureci did not need special infrastructure works on pubbliche.Negli last 17 years because the country has been literally turned inside out, so, I would see mostly conservativo.Semmai interventions could obtain, the center of the country, "House Sechi," now very dilapidated, an important space to be allocated to the square, so as to further enhance the views of this very attractive part of Old Town.
same with regard to urban design, with improvements such as the provision of planters, aimed at harmonizing the important architectural structure of the country.
If I remember correctly the City of Nureci bought the "House Pirastu" I think also to recover the space to use for the town market, with the construction of box-vendita.Sarebbe important that this program will go through.

Parish Santa Barbara.

I find it next to complete the restructuring of the bell tower has long been crumbling, and the churchyard of the parish. After this intervention, following the one that has affected the church and pastor's home, you should recover resources, including through the use of Any amount resulting from eight per thousand for the installation, with the support of the Superintendent, a modern heating-cooling.


Since some years the City of Nureci organize, during August, a major jazz festival that polarizes the attention of a large number of fans and curious, even beyond the regional level, and that consequently , the name of the Nureci is also associated with this event, it would be desirable that the event, given that the outgoing administration has or is building a theater for the occasion, was preserved and improved, if anything, perhaps adding the musical party with a series of parallel events to use in key tourist and cultural.
Not knowing, however, the funding source of the event, and these initiatives certainly due to the high quality of performances, requires significant resources for its implementation, it would not charge a high priority on these figures, the municipal budget, opting instead, as that it is scheduling appointments as part of a larger program covering other important towns, a form of management such as "great events" and therefore funded directly from the same region of Sardinia.

protection and development of traditional festivals, recovery of folk traditions.

The popular sentiment arising from the deep-rooted and sincere Catholic Christian faith community nurecese is also evident in some religious events that are part and parcel of this popolazione.San Sebastian, the rites of Holy Week, the Madonna and St. James Itria are the stages of a cultural-religious and certainly in recent years were the subject of attention and promotion on the part of comunale.Anche here, drawing on experience gained over the years, further improvement initiatives and make them more harmonious with the feeling of faith.
would be very important, also in a process of growth and recovery of cultural traditions, the re-establishment of the folk group.

House Count Toufanny

To evaluate whether, in times of great hardship for the city, there is the possibility, through a particular source of funding to acquire the assets of the reporting and recovery Home Count Toufanny certainly of great historical value.


Here to reorganize certain point a company should aim to participate in the world championship game of the Italian Federation Calcio.Non forget that sporting activities, especially as a team, determine, therefore, a major fallout in terms of socialization, this particular trascurabile.Organizzerei not even a team to participate in competitive volleyball.
Then continue in the successful organization of summer tournaments and apt to kick in 5 multipurpose facility.

Transparency. The City of

Nureci has set up a web site that seems very well organizzato.Oggi, as mentioned previously, the use of the network is absolutely critical, one can not ignore it, and, in view of knowledge and use of municipal administrative machinery, and therefore in the fundamental relationship Common-Citizen, the corporate website plays a notevole.Al of the rules that now require municipalities to put an accredited online Praetorian, I think the administration's activities should be absolutely focused on a policy of full transparency. affixed on the praetorian online should be present, among other things, all the resolutions of the City Council and Board, besides the lead managers of the service.
also imposed, impressive given the prevalence of mobile phones, a service of sms by which constantly keep citizens informed on all activities of the City.

Tourist Association "Two jars.
In my view, the role and importance consortium "Two jars" was, in recent years, declassified by many, too many municipalities that were parte.Invece, in a time when the resources available to government are increasingly scarce, and, in particular in terms of extremely positive experience gained by the same local authorities were among them, in terms of quality services provided to citizens, the presence of this organization is to protect and strengthen supra. The City of
Nureci in recent years, has maintained a synergistic relationship with the Consortium, for further, decisive collaboration.
This is very important.

said that, from the customer Nureci of sports bar, I enrolled myself at the elections next venture, hoping to be able to compare with other patrons of that bar.
As I said earlier, in the years when they play the World Cup football, the sports bar there turns out to be all allenatori.E now, similarly, in the municipal election period, we are all mayors, of course, always at the bar sport, in this case Nureci!
After all, what harm is there? Ad Maiora


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