Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Melanoma Cancer Ribbon

Debian, run it together! - Part 2 6 Squeeze

begin now part dedicated to the user, the screen shows us that requires us to create a password for root, or to the administrator (or super user, as they say in this case ) operating system. Although you can skip this step and just create the password for our user, it is strongly recommended that you create a password for root.

inseriamola in the two fields and press "Continue". Let us remember provided that it is essential to avoid password discounted too easily guessed, such as date of birth or the name of your dog. A good password should be at least 6 alphanumeric characters, with the use of special characters (#, @, ~, etc.).. Now is the time to set the user's real name and the name used to access the system

and our personal password. Unlike the root, this can not be avoided and always apply the rules of creation of the previous year.

once finished this, the system will resume the normal installation, until we will be informed that the CD used for installation has been used fully

and we will be asked if we have another CD to install additional packages. Because we choose to configure the network, you must perform this step, we can then click on "no".

Since we have chosen to use the network for our installation, we choose now to use a network mirror

and select from the list of countries that houses the mirror we mean use. The best choice is, of course, Italy

then select one of the mirror that we get. If we do not have particular preferences, the default is just fine. Click on "Continue" to proceed

there will then be asked to enter the proxy information that we use to make the connection to the mirror. If you do not have a proxy, leave it blank and we continue

as ultima cosa, ci viene indicato che al momento è installato solo il sistema di base. Come scelta predefinita, sono già selezionati l'ambiente grafico e i componenti essenziali di gestione del sistema.

Nel caso di un'installazione domestica, per un utilizzo normale del computer, le scelte predefinite sono sufficienti; in caso contrario, selezionare i componenti che si desidera installare in base all'utilizzo che verrà fatto del computer. Qualora disponessimo di un notebook, selezioniamo "Computer portatile". Ovviamente, tutto ciò che decidiamo di non installare, rimane comunque disponibile all'installazione tramite il gestore dei pacchetti o tramite the shell. Click on "Continue" and the installer will proceed to the download and installation packages and updates.

This may take several minutes, let the computer work and do not in any way interrupt the process.

After installation, we will indicate where to install Grub (bootloader Debian)

if we manage this and the other operating systems installed on your computer as the bootloader Debian, answer "yes" to question, but if we manage everything from a different bootloader, answer "no" and remember to update the other bootloader to recognize the newly installed Debian.

I remind you that if we have only one computer in the Windows operating system, your bootloader will not be able to detect the installation of Debian, and then not be able to use it. We do so much attention to this choice.

The installation is now complete, we are now made one request: use or not to participate in the survey packet. What does this mean?

If we accept, the automatic transmission and anonymous statistics on regular Debian developers on how to use the computer on which packages and use the most. This will then decide which packages to include in the base system for future versions.

We are free to accept, is a great way to contribute to the project, or to refuse, for the operating system will have no change whatsoever!

A nice message informs us that the installation was completed successfully. Click on "Continue" and your computer restarts, remove the disk to install Debian, we select its entry in the bootloader e. ..

... we can now have fun with our new Debian 6 Squeeze!

I hope to be helpful with this guide, I wish you all a great Debian Experience!

Hello ^ __ ^


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