Friday, February 11, 2011

Blueprints For Hidden Blades

defined the Provincial Plan for Sizing School.

At the end of the territorial assemblies were held in Ghilarza, Ales, Oristano, flows, after the two meetings with school principals of secondary schools and the provincial plenary conference last February 8, the 'Provincial Department of Public Education established the School Sizing Plan 2011-12, which will now be sent to the region for its approval. The document has its own Guidelines issued by the Region, through Resolution No. 46/67 of 30/12/2010, but above all, the provisions of the Reform Gelmini.
<>, says the Provincial Councillor for Education Serafino Corrias, <> continues Corrias, <<è stato allora definito un Piano sostanzialmente equo e condiviso nel quale vengono in primo luogo salvaguardate e mantenute tutte le Autonomie Scolastiche presenti attualmente in provincia.>>

No cutting, therefore, in full compliance with the principle of solidarity and contained in the Guidelines proposed by the provinces, according to which large centers could give something to the younger children where there were critical issues. With regard to the primary school, always following the guidelines of the Region, has been looking to go to overcome the multi-classes. Are appreciate the proposed solutions in this direction by various municipal authorities, although in many cases remains open the problem of multi-classes for which the last word on their survival is deferred to the decisions of the Region and the Regional School Office.
<>, adding the provincial councilor, <<è presente, così come avevamo garantito a quel territorio, la richiesta di istituzione dell'Istituto Globalizzato di Laconi che comprenderà gli studenti del Comprensivo e del Classico di Laconi>>.

As for High Schools, have been included all requests for new courses, in line with the educational requirements. In the document sent to the region, there are also some important instances of which the Province is responsible interpreting the recommendations made in the various meetings and assemblies. In particular, they were asked Alderman for Education is a strong commitment to maintaining the current staff given that the territory in this direction has already undergone major downsizing in recent years. Alderman for Transport, it calls for a commitment to provide contributions to the transportation of pupils for municipalities "righteous" who have decided to merge with neighboring schools.
<>, concluding the Corrias Councillor, <>.

is still included in the proposals for streamlining the Provincial Plan:

kindergarten, elementary and middle
Following the suggestions made by local authorities intervened in neighborhood assemblies and attached to this document to make it an integral and substantive, of the foregoing, it is proposed to maintain the autonomy of all existing and points of service delivery with the following variations:

Comprehensive School Laconi
The Institute of Laconi has the distinction of being a comprehensive inter-institute that accommodates students of Nuragus and Genoni.
currently undersized (297 pupils), as Laconi on the list of mountain communities, calls for converting it into a Comprehensive School Global amalgamating the same High School, currently a branch of the Lyceum of Isili to afford to have the numbers necessary to maintain autonomy. We take this opportunity to highlight the need to overcome the anomaly driven by the conflict of jurisdiction between the provincial education offices of Nuoro and Oristano, inputting Laconi action by the Office of the Provincial School Oristano.

Comprehensive School San Vero Milis: (445 pupils)
view of the joint note of the municipalities of San Vero Milis, Narborough and Zeddiani, he called for the retention of the following delivery points:

• San Vero Milis and Zeddiani as about the nursery school;
• San Vero Milis and Narborough regarding primary school students by combining classes of Zeddiani San Vero Milis;
• San Vero Milis, Narborough and Zeddiani for the Secondary School of First Instance, joining the San Vero Milis ten pupils who attend the first class in Zeddiani allowing the retention of all three delivery points.
Samugheo Comprehensive School: (346 pupils)
a note of the City of the proto. No 268/11 of 07 February 2011, the Administration expresses its willingness to attend primary school pupils residing in the town at the primary school Samugheo, thereby eliminating the supply point of one primary school in the town of Allai and guaranteeing while retaining the schools.

Comprehensive School Ardauli
In Upheld the request made by the mayors of Busachi and Fordingbridge, it is proposed to overcome the multi-classes in the towns with an agreement to guarantee the presence of educational institutions in both countries by localizing the primary school at the town of Fordingbridge and Secondary School First Grade in the City of Busachi.

By virtue of the principle of solidarity, it is proposed the maintenance of existing school autonomy and, in accordance with the table addresses the confluence of the school from the old to the new system, the establishment of these new directions and courses Study: Higher Education Institute

Maintenance of school autonomy and establish the following new fields of study:

• Option Applied Science for High School;
• on the basis of Presidential Decree 88 of 15/03/2010, activation address Nautical. Higher Education Institute
to be maintained to the special autonomy for the territory and the particular value and strategic importance to the presence of a center of secondary education to combat depopulation of the area.

Higher Education Institute Terralba-Mogo-Ales
retention of the imposition of the following address and request Study:

• Option Applied Science for High School.
Liceo Classico "De Castro" Oristano.
Maintenance of school autonomy.

Liceo Scientifico "Mariano IV" Oristano.
Establishment of the following new address:

• Applied Science option for students enrolled in the first year.
Istituto Magistrale "B. Cross "Oristano
Maintenance of school with activation of the study the following address:

• creation of the Liceo Musicale.
Technical Institute "Othoca" Maintaining the autonomy of Oristano
with the following changes and establishment of the new study: •

close of registration for first year students for the "Applied Science" and completion of courses already in place, up to natural completion of the course;
• Materials Chemistry and institution address environmental biotechnology.
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale "Sergio Atzeni" Oristano
and retention of the current organization of the courses.

Institute of Higher Education "L. + Step F. Brunelleschi "Oristano
and retention of the current organization of the courses.

Institute Higher Education "Contini G. + Galilei Oristano
It is proposed the maintenance of school and the establishment of the following address:

• optical address.
Professional Institute IPAA "Don Deodato Meloni" Oristano
Maintenance of school and establish the following fields of study under the reform of higher education institutes:

• Business Services with opportunity to achieve qualifications in "Administrative-Secretarial "" Operator of sales services "and" the systems and logistics services, and successful completion the diploma of "Technical Commercial Services;
• Technical Institute" Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness. "


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