Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Crank Up Pontoon Trailer Plans

Debian, run it together! - Part 1

Hello everyone. As you probably know, February 5 has been released (after 24 months of gestation) the new stable release of Debian, codenamed "Squeeze." With this guide aims to help those who want to install Debian for the first time on a computer where it is already have another operating system, explaining step by step the various screens of the installer graphic.

The first thing to do is, of course, obtain the ISO image of the operating system. We can download it from this page , choosing the architecture in our possession (for the uninitiated, I suggest using version "i386"). Once downloaded, burn it on a non-rewritable cd-rom and the minimum speed allowed by our writer, to a minimum to avoid clerical errors that could affect the correct installation of the system.

Once the burn, restart the computer, we set (if not already so) the cd as a boot device in bios (For more information, you should consult the motherboard manufacturer or PC). Without this, start the cd of Debian that we propose four different options


1) Install - The installation process text, with a graphical interface is essential, suitable for those with little computer performance;
2) Graphical install - the installation process is graphical, the same as before but with a graphical interface more accurate and suitable for modern computers;
3) Advanced options - advanced installation options, select diverse opzioni d'avvio e di installazione, sconsigliate per un utente inesperto;
4) Help - un menu d'aiuto per l'installazione, con le informazioni essenziali per una corretta installazione del sistema;

Per questa guida, sceglieremo la voce Graphical install ; selezionamola e premiamo Invio.

La prima schermata che ci troveremo di fronte sarĂ  quella per la scelta della lingua durante l'installazione

premiamo su "Continua" e scegliamo il nostro Paese, in modo da poter impostare automaticamente il fuso orario

andiamo avanti e selezioniamo ora la disposizione della keyboard

at this point, the installer will attempt to locate and configure access to the Internet, download the packages that are not contained in the cd and the updates. If it is possible to use the network during installation, it is absolutely recommended use, the installation process will last a little longer, but will save time in carrying out the main post-installation tasks, such as location and 'system update.

select the device you want to use and go forward. We leave the choice default for the network

then enter the host computer. The hostname is just the computer name that will appear in your network, the browser and Internet services.

and get to the partitioning tool. At this stage we should be very careful in the case where there is already an operating system, wrong operation may cause undesired operation. We can choose whether to perform a guided partitioning or manual to get a full understanding of what must be done, proceed with the manual partitioning

once you have selected manual partitioning, we will show the current state of our computer's hard drive. The picture below shows a 250 GB hard drive, with three primary partitions and two logical.

scegliemo, for example, to use two logical partitions to accommodate our Debian system. Select the first (No. 5) and double click

in this menu we can set different values. Those that interest us most are the first three: Double-click "Use as" we have this screen

when we can choose the type of file system to use for the partition. If there are no special requirements, we want a file system stable enough, the choice may fall on ext4 . Select it and press "Continue". In the first menu, double click on "Format the partition" to erase any data stored and finally double click on the "Mount point", which will open this screen

where we need to indicate which point mount assigned to the partition. Let us remember essential that the mount point, that there must be always and everywhere, is the mount point " / . Select it and press "Continue" to proceed with the second logical partition (No. 6) with which we must repeat the exact same steps, but how to assign mount point " / home ", that is our personal area of \u200b\u200bthe system.

Once you are finished working with partitions, select "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk" to record everything and continue the installation. If you followed the steps to the letter, you will be shown this warning

indicates that there we did not specify a swap partition during the partitioning. What is swap? The swap is nothing more than an area used by the operating system to download the physical RAM when it is filling up, or when they are running too many processes at the same time that the physical RAM can not handle properly. In modern computers, with at least 2 GB of RAM, the swap is not required, then you can skip creating it. Click "No" to question and we continue

we have the window summary of all that the partition editor will do (in this case formatted in ext4 two logical partitions). Click on "Yes" and continue the process of creation will take a few moments.


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