Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Soy Lecithan Benifits
Dating girls and boys singles , here's errors most often to be avoided at all costs:
1. In the case of meetings preceded by a fact-finding phase "online" , perhaps through Badoo, Facebook or some other social network of fashion, you have got to share with the other one or more photos. There is nothing worse than being in front of the first meeting a person that does not correspond to what we saw in the picture! Then send recent photos, do not change the computer and possibly alone: \u200b\u200bno one likes to go 30 seconds to find something in class pictures!
2. Lying age or profession: if you're 37 years old and unemployed at home mum because it is better that your virtual girl's knowledge! If nothing else, avoid other rivers of lies in the subsequent meetings (if it ever give you a second chance), which would mean that you really did impress her!
3. Same for the name (and here I refer to girls) ... Knowing Jennifer, Desiree, Stella and then know, or worse, to know that in reality is called Fernanda, Josephine Rosalia or no pleasure for sure: it is better not to create confusion , ok?!
4. not recited, be as natural as possible! Useless present in a tuxedo and Mercedes when every day the war turned with a Panda and your jeans are more greasy than the electro lysis and working under your own home! The goal is always to find the right person that fits into your life so 'natural', without upsetting either jump through hoops!
5. Be kind and considerate, always : women like to have next to a male figure to take care of them, even if only for a few hours during the first date. Not to mention the boys, who would like to have them next to a girl growing up in the Bronx ? I think anyone, so ...
If you follow these top tips, you'll have a good chance of get a second date with the girl or boy just met. Otherwise, review the lesson and hope to be luckier in the future;)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Move Dragon Age Save Game To Windows 7
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sweaters Christmas Commercial
"The best answer to criticism instrumental and concerned that in recent months had invested the Government and the Minister Zaia I think is in reality: for the next three years funding to agriculture will amount to 1.145 billion euro, for lovers of statistics, it is worth stating that figure is four times that allocated by the Minister by the late De Castro and the Prodi government, what went down in history for having cut the Solidarity Fund in agriculture. Fund that the league would rather forcefully refinance despite attempts by Fini to use this money in other ways. "After months of difficult negotiations between the serene back the agricultural sector and the government driven by the imagination of which the Minister Zaia first time in 12 years has managed to increase heavily the resources for agriculture despite the crisis "had never failed to deal with farmers, even in moments more difficult - remember the Hon. Pini citing for example the Minister to visist Mac Frut in October - just because there was a clear and specific commitment to support agriculture Romagna. Farmers know that they appreciated the serious work, however, is only the beginning: - concluded the Northern League member - must win the battle on the prices of fruit to the supermarket chains are still too low because of excessive fragmentation of supply. "
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Snowmobile Load For Pickup
" The traitors of their land as Errani Balzani or be swept aside by history, when the policy goes against the will of the people always happens. " Thunders Gianluca Pini , Forlì deputy, secretary and leader of Lega Nord Romagna, speaking in the debate on the Romagna Region with an announcement: "The amendment costitiuzionale to be separated from the Romagna is ready to begin in March Commission in the debate in the House. "
Pines, one of the first supporters of the autonomy of Romagna, in 2006 he wrote along with the Minister Calderoli the transitional rule allowing internal autonomy to the Devolution Coast.
" The obstructive referendum on the left, then blew the chance to express themselves democratically Romagnoli - remember Pini - but this time the process will be simpler, with no possibility for certain characters to stop the will of the people. "
Pines on the technical content of the standard does not provide additional details and simply clarifies that" it is well written, thanks to the collaboration of the Ministry Calderoli, the first will be established constitutionally Romagna Region, and will take place only after the referendum. In this way, - said the League's deputy Romagna - replace in the hands of the democratic choice of Romagna alone once and for all to comment on an administrative autonomy that federalists believe sacred and undeniable "
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Nasal Poloyps In Dogs
Casola Valsenio
- that the European Court of Human Rights, based in Strasbourg, with a ruling on Nov. 3 has established that exposure of the crucifix in the classroom is contrary to the right of parents to educate their children in line with their beliefs and with the right of students to freedom of religion;
- that such provisions contrary to the common sentiment of our country, has generated in our area a very broad movement of opinion against the ruling of the EU;
- that the crucifix is \u200b\u200ba sign of unity and acceptance, non-sectarian and universal symbol, not of exclusion or limitation of freedom;
- that is common sense the image of the Crucifix as a sign that goes over the details of the Christian religion and that stands to represent the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof our national community, including the perfectly constitutional;
- that the right secular institutions do not deny the role of Christianity in society and Italian identity;
- the freedom to practice and profess different religions are widely and effectively guaranteed by our legal system;
view - that the rules in force require the presence of crucifixes in classrooms set up with RD of 30 April 1924 reiterated in the 1984 revision Composition;
- that the Council of State and the Constitutional Court in 1988 have confirmed, for the respective role and responsibilities, I'assoluta legitimacy
expresses total sharing with the positions taken at different levels of institutional competence, starting from the expression used by the Head of State'll crucifix is \u200b\u200ba symbol values \u200b\u200bthat are the basis of our identity, "and share equally with actions to maintain your presence in the classroom.
Invite the Mayor of the City of Casola Valsenio to send this resolution to the President of the Republic, the President of the Council of Ministers and the Chairmen of the House and Senate, the President of the province of Ravenna, the President of the Emilia Romagna;
also called the Mayor of the City of Casola Valsenio to take the appropriate steps
likely to represent the willingness expressed by this House.
Casola Valsenio 23/11/2009
Alessandra Bertozzi
Paolo Giorgi
Victoria Benericetti
Fabio Pioli
Cleaning White G Shocks
Casola Valsenio
Given that public schools
- Italian culture and society have grown up an education that is deeply rooted in Catholicism;
- the foundations of European civilization and distinct from typical civilization from which many immigrants
- The Catholic faith is an integral and substantial our civilization;
- there is an arrangement between State and Church, renovated in 1984, which mentions in paragraph 30:
- The Italian Republic, recognizing the value of religious culture and keeping in mind the principles of Catholicism are part of the historical heritage of Italian people, will continue to ensure, within the framework of the aims of the school teaching the Catholic religion in public schools to universities all levels. In respect of freedom of conscience and responsibility of parents in education is guaranteed to each individual the right to choose whether to use or not use of that teaching. Upon registration, students or their parents exercise this right upon request from the school, not that their choice may give rise to any form of discrimination;
- there is no other similar arrangement with other religions;
- who does not follow the Catholic religion has now the right and duty to fill that hour with another type of education;
City Council Casola Valsenio
invites the Mayor and the Board
- to express its opposition to any suggestion of the establishment of religion, except that time Catholic, as it was not prescribed by any law and regulation;
- to endorse and support the need for those who choose not to attend the hour Catholic religion, replacing it with an hour of Italian civic education;
- to give notice of this OdG to the MIUR and the Government.
Casola Valsenio 24/11/2009
Paolo Giorgi
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Casola Valsenio
Given that:
- art. 132. The paragraph of the Italian Constitution provides for the Referendum terri-torial.;
- Romagnolo The territory has all the requirements of the Constitution Region in order to constitute a single entity beginning with a minimum of the millions of inhabitants;
- The constitution requires that at least one third of the councils of the areas interested parties is favorable to the project of establishing a new region for the spin-off Region pre-exist;
- Our history and our regional identity is more than a thousand years, dating back to the memo Ravenna Exarchate established by the Emperor Justinian;
- The unification and to Emilia was just a political action of the Kingdom ' Italy completed in 1861 in order to "control" the anarchists of Romagna, but that did not responsible for the homogeneity of the re- territory and the history and culture of its inhabitants.
with this autonomy we may have advantages such as:
1. An independent court of appeal
2. A self-Regional Administrative Court;
3. An autonomous regional council;
4. Funds directly managed by the Region.
the Mayor and the Board
1. To support the project of autonomy for the Romagna;
2. Expressed support for the establishment of the Romagna Region
Casola Valsenio 23/11/2009
Paolo Giorgi
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
How To Get Rid Of A Stomach Hernia
Facebook and other social networks facilitate social relations is what emerges from a study conducted by the Pew Company, specializing in statistics and telephone surveys. In a sample of over 3000 respondents, the vast majority said they use the Internet to seek or maintain friendships near and far. The ease with which is possible, using modern technologies, broaden their social relations is disarming, as it is revealed completely mistaken theory that people who use instant messaging and social networks are introverted and not very sociable. But beware, a friendship " occasional " living in the chat room is quite different from a real friendship, and tends to disappear over time. The advice is always to choose good friends to make them their own, over time, real friendships. A fortiori, in the case of chat between boys and girls singles looking for love, you should keep in mind that virtual relationships are destined to remain confined in web without any real involvement on the part of both to build a serious relationship.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Toddler Sock Hop Invitation Wording
Often some readers of "Meet Single " leave comments (which is obviously not the public) asking if there dating sites or exchange msn contacts with pretty girls and uninhibited ... But I say, is it possible that there are pretty girls on the internet willing to show on webcam, with few clothes I wear, the first that happens? Or that there are specialized sites in exchange MSN Messenger contacts that promise to let you know so many girls and "boys facie" in easily and without wasting time? Usually the sites that show the front page photo of beautiful girls and require registration to be able to chat with the webcam are attended by hundreds of men and little girls, just check some basic parameters, including :
- 's site seniority, or whether it has been running for a few weeks / months or few years
- the number of girls entered , or if in more than 5% compared to the number of children , be assured that they are all bogus contacts
- the pictures of the girls entered if all appear to Hollywood stars or fashion models, ask any questions come!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Suggested Routine For Barry's Bootcamp
What usually happens after you have found the ideal girl on Badoo, Messenger or Facebook ? In 99% of cases, the person whose contact we got msn or agreed to be our friend not respond! All the boys, uglier than the handsome, gym, maybe with blue eyes, complain about the girls met in chat and communities. The main cause lies in the deep demonstrated immaturity at the time of the approach. Just a girl signs up for a social network, which is Badoo, MySpace or Facebook is literally attacked by hordes of men with hormone-crazed debut with discounted compliments and requests more or less veiled sex webcam . The approach must be opposed, the compliments will come next time: proven to have the head, a minimum of sympathy and cut short when the conversation begins to dissipate. Better to let them be little doubt that exposure too ... A pinch of mystery and a good dose of irony will certainly prevail in the long run!
Friday, October 16, 2009
6-month-old Terrible Cough
of heading on Wednesday October 14, 2009
Castel Bolognese Al asphalting the road in the town
VIA EMILIA, Monday we started work
"We are satisfied - says the mayor Daniel Bambi - it is fundamental work for the road and safety of many citizens who daily pass along this street in the heart of the country. We are committed so that they could be implemented by October, we were satisfied. "
To secure the area of \u200b\u200bwork, from 7 to 20 on Monday, 28 October, and until the work is complete, the traffic ban will be set up in the stretch of the Via Emilia Interna ranging from porch to porch, between the two traffic lights in both directions, with deviation in Viale Umberto I °, where there will be no parking all day with removal. However, it is allowed access via Pallantieri Via Costa.
Set Up For Sony Dvp-sr200p
Article by October 3, 2009
proudly announces the leader of the Lega Nord Romagna, Hon. Gianluca Pini on the sidelines of a meeting with his colleague and friend Roberto Castelli, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, that during the past few months had been invited by the same deputy Romagna to touch the hardship for the citizens of Castel Bolognese.
"Castelli understood and supported not only the absolute urgency of the work related to the variation, but also the urgent need to modernize the current stretch - he says Pini - and thanks to his intervention, ANAS has released a steady practice from time immemorial. " The young deputy League also announced that this year will be the same castle to return to Castel Bolognese to discuss the urgent project of the variant.
" We used to keep the promises we " said Pini.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Where Is The Bust Measured
How to find an Asian girl , almond-eyed Japanese girl, sweet and loyal ? All women dream of the East to make a good marriage and create a large family: they are brides that if you love, will love you forever . But the difficulties are many: the language can be a problem at least in the beginning, distance, distance from home for one of two partners, the documents, the different culture in all the food, the understanding of the work ... In love nothing is impossible, but it is well to think seriously because often the "game" worth the candle. Who is a Chinese girl, Thai or Japanese is a real treasure : the girls seem frail, timid, submissive, and sometimes more helpful to humans. And 'their culture, have been educated in this way from an early age: often the opposite of Western girls! And then the intimate life are overwhelmed (and overwhelm) of all passion and love that can give a sign of infinite gratitude to their man ... People meditate, meditate!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sink Overflow Insurance
If you are in search of love and beautiful girls from Eastern fascinate you, then thanks to the many online dating sites able to contact the woman of your dreams. On the web there are hundreds of sites that specialize in dating, dating portals, online dating agencies dedicated to girls from Eastern Europe: register, free, you can know the person with whom to share their lives.
Many chat rooms or message boards free for those who want to find your soul mate online, girls in the East waiting for the perfect partner waiting for you on the main dating sites on the web. Love is just a click away, just try ...
Friday, October 9, 2009
How To Tie A Face Bandana
will also blame the economic crisis, to pay for studies, there 'and those' willing to make sacrifices. And it 's always been so. But .. Did you know that in Spain beds are rented to students in exchange for sex ? Real estate listings portals by storm like this: "I am a English student 27 years old, seeking a room in an apartment in exchange for sex, if possible with English with more than 25 years and a job . There are also ads on the bulletin boards of newspapers. A young man, for example, offers food and accommodation in Madrid for "sexual relations three days .
It is not unreasonable that?
The first contacts are made through the Internet. Then follows a meeting where he set out the terms of the "contract". According to psychologists the recession is not the only reason that drives people to find these relationships. It has to do with the loneliness and the trivialization of sex .. say ... People are increasingly unable to sustain relationships face to face ..
Someone adds extras such as transportation by car to work the new tenant. Once given the OK to hold the first face to face. Another boy, Pedro, offers always on the Internet, " room free girl or a couple of girls of good education in exchange for sexual relations every now and then."

and girls who pay for their studies in this way, what do you think?
[source: ]
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Removing Emirson Garbane
Hitwise recently published a research on the types of sites clicked : it was found that the main porn sites, from a playboy . com, through various YouTube version (soft and hard) porn attract many more Internet users than any other reference in the network, including search engine Google !
pornographic sites continue their growing steadily and without them the crisis Minimum investment: a real phenomenon, as evidenced by the fact that some cam-girls, girls with webcams for "round" is get naked, have their own calendar. housewives and university students uninhibited, dealing with more pressing economic problems, are well suited to computer-strip tease university to pay the installments and the rent of bed. The Internet and its chronic lack of rules has fostered a booming phenomenon, which has seen some decline in the earnings of the 'porn industry , the other a veritable explosion of turnover of RedTube, YouPorn and the rest.
A hen that lays golden eggs for everyone and all, just a simple webcam and, above all, to put aside prejudices and inhibitions to indulge in their erotic fantasies and others : So, boys, beware! It 's just a matter of money !
Monday, September 14, 2009
Spots Of Blood On My Uvula
And what happens to surfing the Net and looking for information on Valentine's Day? Meanwhile a lot 'of advertising on any search engine , indicating that many people think there is a type that request, perhaps to do as our friend and her bouquets of roses ... If you want to do it again would be a lot better chance. Usual news sites and more or less odd. This news, however, catches the attention more than others. Also because it's very "technological . It leads to some reflection. This initiative " A Valentine put on his neck DNA. Let's move on the title. The initiative, sponsored by a museum of natural history of our country, is to give a pendant which is inserted in the DNA extracted from a drop of saliva of those who decide to make this gift . The fact remains that even the most wildest imagination would have led us to think of giving to our loved a pendant containing a fragment derived from the body so very noble. But aside from the irony that disregards certainly laudable intentions of those who wanted to create an opportunity to approach science in a day of joy for two people, there is a question to ask. This initiative is the daughter of time. And daughters of the times are the consequences. Such an exercise does not affect your right to privacy anyone?
[source: ]
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Are Particles In Urine Normal
Zoosk not yet well known in Italy, the opportunity to meet girls and boys online.
This is a new portal for meetings that has developed its own application on Facebook making fast and precise about boys and girls of his own city 'or the place we want. Go directly to the site and get to know so many young people on Zoosk online, fill out your form and proceed with the registration , it is also possible to have a profile with different features premium pay 'extra, a special and unique opportunity which does not offer any other dating site . The application for
Facebook allows you to have some of the functions Standard is a tool that you can load very well and adds directly to Facebook and start your online dating.
[source: ]
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Spells To Help To Transform Into A Dragon
Skyecandy is an online service that is already all the rage on the internet. E 'speed dating led to the level of Skype where you just turn on the webcam , give their best for five minutes and maybe get to know interesting ...
Speed \u200b\u200bdating - It's so fashionable and practical to meet and flirt in just 5 minutes. They are often the most "in" the city to organize these special events, in an hour you know a lot of people then you choose the most interesting and, if you have done the same with you shoot the exchange of contacts. works the same way, but ... online ... And it's free! Finally a beautiful new era of social network too cold and technical!
Skyecandy to flirt with Skype - With this service, you simply sign up for access to a kind of virtual local where you can speak and video chat with so many different girls just for 5 minutes. After the brief conversation can leave a positive or negative feedback ( Yes or No ), If she liked you can exchange contacts. And maybe continue the discussion in the real world.
[source: ]
Friday, August 28, 2009
Honor Switching Adaptor
How many chances were that all of this happen? One out of 10, 20, 100 000 000 ? Do not we say the following, but we do know that he has not ever done it again. And if you did it again, has certainly changed its name and content of transmission (flowers, color, message, jingle). Things that happen in the time of Valentine Internet.
times that happens in chat, to see two lovers who declare a party the other eternal love in front of everyone. Beautiful thing. Too bad that you have ever seen. It happens. And not so infrequently. The curiosity to know how it turns out to be irresistible to the onlookers ... urban legend, at times, the stories of chat. But when you hear them tell directly from someone who lived a different matter. So it may happen that a girl struck virtually a contemporary English , decides to make real his dream of love from the beloved going to spend Valentine overseas. To get there and discover that it was not only to be perfidious Albion, but also some of its inhabitants. She could not recognize the guy in the picture and thought have been lost at the airport. Until such time as he discovered, with some mutual embarrassment that had the photo of his cousin . Now, if it happens to you and you came or come down to Frascati, patience. Steps. But up in England ... The girl, angry, without thinking twice, he returned back annoyed. doubly angry. 'S deception and because, as he confessed in the story, if the boy had sent the photo true, she would go there anyway to find it. There was no need to be afraid. But the women's pride prevailed on attraction and a love story less marked in the epic of the chat.
[source: ]
(more. ..)
Friday, August 14, 2009
Removing Emerson Garbage
And sending red roses? Today the practice is less successful, but at the time of the first explosion of the Internet in homes around the year 2000, there was a bloom (it must be said) of sites that offered the possibility to send virtual bouquets of roses, with so much choice of flower color of the card and the background music. All appeared on the screen of his beloved and it was a fun novelty. A friend of the writer, intrigued by the discovery of chat, decided to send a virtual Valentine's floral tribute to two girls he was courting online for some time. Virtual chats took place at different times. And the girls lived in different cities and far. In addition, several frequented chat. What could be more safe and comfortable to live a normal life, perhaps in the situation that would have been more complicated? How likely is it that those two girls, although living in two different provinces could work in the same company in a third province, one in Milan? And one morning, finding the coffee maker to talk about this and that with other colleagues, one of them says: "You know what happened to me? I met a nice guy on the Internet . He sent me a bouquet of red roses ... virtual. " And how many chances at this point could be that one of the girls who were in the story might say "But it happened to me, a young man named Andrea (name)". Here begins the surreal dialogue. It takes the body a little comic drama . The girls discover that the other name is Andrea. Who lives in the same city as the first. He has sent, out of laziness, the same message and the same piece of music so as not to even make the effort to redo the procedure.
[source: ]
(more. ..)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Athletic Court Sweeper
Many people are under the illusion that it is possible Facebook start new relationships and why not even find the 'soul mate , probably someone will be successful, but there is no doubt that Facebook is not born as a place for those who want to make new acquaintances, but friends who meet again with time have been lost and to share them with friends and as always their day, their interests, videos, photos and more. How it is structured to make it difficult if not virtually impossible approach with people who until then had nothing to do with our lives. In addition, the high number of people already involved may make the search a hole in . Below are the seven main reasons why I think facebook is not appropriate for ainconti rivogersi and so it is better to specialize in dating sites. Those who enroll
- usually does to share with friends who already know .
- You can browse the profiles of users without their permission . There is only
- search by name, email or mail that you attended.
- No videochat
- The message exchange is visible to all
- User not set values \u200b\u200bthat help to get an idea user.
- Facebook is scattered and most users are already involved romantically.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Travel Trailer Restoration
THURSDAY May 21, 2009 AT 19 AT THE Palafiera Forlì, Via Punta di Ferro, MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE Luca Zaia.
Come along!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Gretchen Rossi Monokini At Beginning Of Show
" In the publication No. 3 raised the possibility of creating a large room in the center that could hold any public display created by the Pro Loco, from 'Municipal Administration or by an association of public view, using the property in the center put up for sale by f.lli Drei located in Via Aldo Moro No. 4, instead of using Park Pertini ...
... we wanted to better analyze this hypothesis, ..., evaluate it carefully and present it to the public for how it could be seriously considered by those responsible, instead of the planned project and approved February 23 last in the 2009 budget by the City Council. Meanwhile
premise that it would be a thing well done bring to the attention of a national project of this magnitude ... but assumed the failure of the procedure and the determination of the Board was so ingrained, so it was thought that, so it was decided and so we had to proceed in the direction taken. In the resolution of the Board
No. 134, December 9 last year, we got the hard copy by the mayor, that is exactly specified the construction of the building will be provided in the Park Pertini place intended to "create a service center for advanced placement of spaces for use by Pro Loco, which will be implemented in order to move the existing parking spaces reserved in this May 1 in the most central for tourist use of the Park and the historic center of Riolo Terme. "
This measure is also supported as" cultural heritage and environment as it fits harmoniously in the area characterized by: 1 - presence of the urban park; 2 - presence of the convention center, 3 - Corso Matteotti, which overlooks the main street of the Old Town Square and leading to the fortress, 4 - pine trees that connects the area receiving the intervention, with the main road connecting the valley floor. "
And, for an explanation of greater efficiency is specified that" this project is part of and contributes to the achievement of a broader project concerning the Regional Park Chalk Vein AND ITS PATH, with the creation of centers, exhibition areas and educational facilities. " So you tell us how many
prevarication and turns of concepts and words for not having the courage and use the objectivity to say (certainly well known for bureaucratic reasons) that in practice you want to build a building with concrete structure and brick to view, to block use of the kitchens and Pro Loco "(as clearly stated and well in the Descriptive Report of the architect Valerio Savini, which states that" the building is organized on two floors in a basement for storage and use and a pantry on the ground floor in the kitchen.)
But it was done before then to say: "for the edification of cuisines to create an outdoor restaurant?" ... "the specification or would have affected the allocation of European Regional Development Fund, as perhaps it is more likely ?
Ending the description of the architect, "this building will be covered with a glued-laminated timber structure in which protruding cantilever cover also that the space in front of the building will be located where the tables for the food stand. "
This operation will use the park for about 500 square meters on the current total area of \u200b\u200b880 square meters ....
... ... we have asked our technical confidence, only to show that we have not spoken in vain. Therefore, we present an easy comparison with a project he created, so an alternative hypothesis, knowing that it will remain without further development.
municipal projects:
1 - Working for more than half of the green area of \u200b\u200bthe Park "Pertini"
2 - reinforced concrete structure on 2 levels:
a. Basement: for warehouse use and dispenses with the use of elevators;
b. Ground floor: in the kitchen;
3 - Total area reserved spaces available for catering:
- Open-roofed:
150 sqm - fully discovered: 150 sqm Total
300 sqm - Total area 200 sqm building
Total General (excluding basement) 500 sqm
4 - Building to be built entirely
5 - Surface remains fully dedicated to children for free games and equipment: 380mq from the current 880 square meters
6 - Making use of external ramps for disabled
7 - Place served by road difficult for loading and unloading goods
8 - Unable to use the premises for catering in case of bad weather and during cold seasons
9 - for future expansion of the multi-purpose: the risk of complete elimination of the Park
10 - Seats:
- roofed: 120
- Uncovered: 120
Total posts: 240
11 - Approved by City Council February 23, 2009 U.S. spending on a preliminary run of 880,000 will
€ 12 - the same place where the building will be built kitchens today there is a plaque recalls that, right there, they were buried the bodies found in Riolo during the war.
In 1995 it enacted the sacredness. And today?
ALTERNATIVE PROJECT (proposed by "Il Picchio"): 1
Park - "Pertini" not involved: local use elsewhere
2 - Construction on 2 levels:
- Basement: in the kitchen, warehouse and pantry, with use hoists
- Ground floor: to use hall, meeting room ambivalent, small pantry and storage room for equipment, office and office-by-step food distribution area
3 - Total area reserved spaces available for catering:
- Hall (inside ): living room: Meeting room 370 sq
60 sqm - Discovered (outside): 125 sq.m. Total
555 sqm - Guest list (inside) 252 sqm
Grand total (excluding basement) 807 sqm
4 - existing building is fully renovated
5 - A surface that would be entirely up to the kids themselves: all the 880 sq m currently available to the Park
6 - Not necessary ramps for disabled people because the room is at street level
7 - Location well served by existing roads
8 - Full accommodation is available in all seasons (available heating and air conditioning)
9 - Do not need any expansion to the existing local is certainly able to accommodate large numbers of admissions
10 - Number of Seating:
- Inside: 350
- Outside: 100 Total number 450
11 - The restoration would entail a total expenditure of € 750 per sq m, so, having to settle only the inner wall surface of 600 square meters, the total cost would reach the € 450,000, after the purchase that could be defined with 350,000 €.
Operation "Drei" would have been able to define as a total amount of 800,000 €. FINAL REMARKS
the difference between the 2 projects is very clear: not so much the economic aspect ... as for the possibility of greater use of space in the second case: over 800 sqm to 500 sqm against Pertini in the Park ... in our project appears useful in several rooms that harmonize peu much better to use that space for possible trade fairs, exhibitions, conferences, folk dances and meetings and meetings of all kinds and to come all year, leaving intact most of the only green park available ...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
How Long Does It Take Head Lice To Show Up
The meeting presentation by the candidate, PDL, UDC, Lega Nord Fabio Pioli to be held Tuesday, 31/3/2009 at 20.30 at room Spadolini (Old warehouses), will begin immediately to address the issues that weigh heavily on the minds of casolani.
Piolanti announced that it intends to develop a program that addresses directly, without frills or turns of phrase, the core issues first and foremost the Parco della Vena Chalk that continues to raise the increasing protests of dozens of farmers and the A biomass, which will be placed at the center of the town and that worries some of the residents in the vicinity of the new apparatus.
These issues will be studied along with dozens of other (parking, access to the countryside pricing Hera, health care, etc.) in an evening who wants nothing to do with the usual ritual of this policy but wants to present itself as a dialogue of many voices and an opportunity for effective participation in community life. Come along
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Pokemon Online Doujinshi
"Someone is playing dirty on the skin of Farmers Romagna scaring about the solidarity fund. For months I had personally advised (even trade associations) that before the end of March it was unthinkable to find insurance coverage for the league and in fact yesterday filed an amendment to my signing the Decree milk quota funds with 198 million fund that the Prodi government had completely gnawed. Now we are waiting for the OK to Tremonti, but the funding package, the League has found "it says on. Gianluca Pini on the solidarity fund for farmers who want to take out insurance policies against damage from hail and other weather events "The fact that the games are going to quit on this game is also proven by the haste with which yesterday by the defense consortia are enabling policies for members," continued Mr. Pini also announced that it had submitted an amendment to Productive Activities Commission for "the destruction of farm machinery, sign this - Member of the League's claims - that the attention of the League on Agriculture does not stop but goes beyond emergencies. "
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
How To Make Straight Bathtub Comfortable

" These - said the deputy League - are the actions of government throughout the territory of Romagna, which we believe the most urgent: Of course other more detailed and specific information on various areas will come from the local sections for comparison, but these are negotiable, so - much concluded the Hon. Pini - expect to see from the PDL if they wish to sign up for our program and then evaluate the opportunity to support their candidates if they show convintamene also agree with our policy. Our consistency is not for sale. "
1) Amendment of Regulations for the award of social security contributions of places in kindergartens and public housing by including the principle of anziantà residence with a minimum access of 5 years of uninterrupted stay in the community to whom the request.
2) Priority in the allocation of social contributions (contributions to rent, bills, servicing homes and nurseries) to mothers and fathers redundant as a result of the economic crisis.
3) Fighting Foxelli Welfare: Agreement with Revenue Agencies and GDF fiscal controls to activate automatically for those requiring social contributions by self-certification.
4) Introduction of the medical district in the realities of the average large-Romagna to ease controls frequent and the distribution of medicines for the elderly.
1) Establishment of a section of the Municipal Police for control of immigration policies.
2) Aid coordinated "RomagnaSicura" - Volunteer for Security to monitor the area.
3) No provision of non-EU immigrants to vote in local elections.
4) total moratorium on the construction of mosques and Islamic cultural centers.
1) Regulation of trade in favor of the plan the establishment of shops typical of the area in the historic centers.
2) Moratorium on the construction of new superstores.
3) liberalization schedules for small businesses.
4) Redefinition of ZTL and pedestrian areas with large permit access to private transport to town centers in working hours.
5) Reduction of parking charges for the historical center in the early hours.
1) Implementation of the system of separate waste collection system of rewards on the reduction of waste disposal fee paid by the citizens.
2) Renegotiation of the fees and agreements with Hera with the possibility Output from the service in the presence of better financial offer from both public and private parties.
3) Abolition of blocking traffic and contextual review of heating pollutants.
4) Adoption of alternative energy and total application of energy saving systems for public buildings.
5) Prohibition of construction of new incinerators for municipal solid waste or the equivalent.
1) Request under Article. 132 of the Constitution for holding the referendum on the autonomy of the Region Emilia Romagna.
2) Toponymy main language in the Romagna and teaching in elementary school Language Romagna.
3) Protection of traditional music from Romagna.
1) Introduction of a hard limit to the variations in Prg.
2) Introduction of a minimum area to define a useful property for residential use (no new studios) to facilitate the formation of new households.
3) Adoption of criteria for the incentive award of public works contracts to local companies.
4) Conversion of the under-used communal green areas in sports facilities for team sports through involvement of private individuals.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
White Discharge39 Weeks
