Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cleaning White G Shocks

Opposition to the imposition of time other than the Catholic religion in public schools

Casola Valsenio


Opposition to the imposition of time other than the Catholic religion in
Given that public schools


- Italian culture and society have grown up an education that is deeply rooted in Catholicism;
- the foundations of European civilization and distinct from typical civilization from which many immigrants

- The Catholic faith is an integral and substantial our civilization;

- there is an arrangement between State and Church, renovated in 1984, which mentions in paragraph 30:
- The Italian Republic, recognizing the value of religious culture and keeping in mind the principles of Catholicism are part of the historical heritage of Italian people, will continue to ensure, within the framework of the aims of the school teaching the Catholic religion in public schools to universities all levels. In respect of freedom of conscience and responsibility of parents in education is guaranteed to each individual the right to choose whether to use or not use of that teaching. Upon registration, students or their parents exercise this right upon request from the school, not that their choice may give rise to any form of discrimination;

- there is no other similar arrangement with other religions;

- who does not follow the Catholic religion has now the right and duty to fill that hour with another type of education;

City Council Casola Valsenio
invites the Mayor and the Board

- to express its opposition to any suggestion of the establishment of religion, except that time Catholic, as it was not prescribed by any law and regulation;

- to endorse and support the need for those who choose not to attend the hour Catholic religion, replacing it with an hour of Italian civic education;

- to give notice of this OdG to the MIUR and the Government.

Casola Valsenio 24/11/2009

The City Council
Paolo Giorgi


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