Group Consiliare
Casola Valsenio
support the independence of Romagna Region PDL-LEAGUE NORTH-UDC-INDEPENDENT
Casola Valsenio
Given that:
- art. 132. The paragraph of the Italian Constitution provides for the Referendum terri-torial.;
- Romagnolo The territory has all the requirements of the Constitution Region in order to constitute a single entity beginning with a minimum of the millions of inhabitants;
- The constitution requires that at least one third of the councils of the areas interested parties is favorable to the project of establishing a new region for the spin-off Region pre-exist;
- Our history and our regional identity is more than a thousand years, dating back to the memo Ravenna Exarchate established by the Emperor Justinian;
- The unification and to Emilia was just a political action of the Kingdom ' Italy completed in 1861 in order to "control" the anarchists of Romagna, but that did not responsible for the homogeneity of the re- territory and the history and culture of its inhabitants.
with this autonomy we may have advantages such as:
1. An independent court of appeal
2. A self-Regional Administrative Court;
3. An autonomous regional council;
4. Funds directly managed by the Region.
the Mayor and the Board
1. To support the project of autonomy for the Romagna;
2. Expressed support for the establishment of the Romagna Region
Casola Valsenio 23/11/2009
The City Council
Paolo Giorgi
Paolo Giorgi
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