Friday, October 16, 2009

6-month-old Terrible Cough

ROMAGNA REGION Northern League: Said and done!

of heading on Wednesday October 14, 2009

Castel Bolognese Al asphalting the road in the town
VIA EMILIA, Monday we started work

CASTEL BOLOGNESE - Part I asphalting the stretch of the Via Emilia Interna center. The Anas gave the green light for action, which will last around ten days. The city administration was waiting for some time and, thanks to the Deputy Minister Roberto Castelli of the Northern League at the Anas, the situation is unlocked.
"We are satisfied - says the mayor Daniel Bambi - it is fundamental work for the road and safety of many citizens who daily pass along this street in the heart of the country. We are committed so that they could be implemented by October, we were satisfied. "
To secure the area of \u200b\u200bwork, from 7 to 20 on Monday, 28 October, and until the work is complete, the traffic ban will be set up in the stretch of the Via Emilia Interna ranging from porch to porch, between the two traffic lights in both directions, with deviation in Viale Umberto I °, where there will be no parking all day with removal. However, it is allowed access via Pallantieri Via Costa.


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