Thursday, March 17, 2011

Swollen Calves Tight Feeling

Anna and the unification of Italy.

Frau Anna.

150th anniversary of the unification of Italy in the rain. The tricolor flags, waving cha yesterday on the balconies of the houses that overlook the street of Rome Gonnoscodina, lovely tribute to the country, they are wet but did not lose color brightness. I am not discouraged: it is a special day and explain it to Henry, we go out despite the bad weather.

Today, Italy is in our thoughts, Italy with a capital, what I discovered on school books, one that, hopefully, our children will be able to find at school on the basis of stimuli and experiences of the thousands that now, thank God, families can provide.

unification of Italy in school not as a smoothing value, but light background, stronger colors green, white, red, on which to settle our differences, our individuality, our differences should be able to peacefully coexist and live together under of the highest principles of liberty, tolerance and peace.

The school does not forget that this unity is the unity of Italy with foreigners and immigrants, our students ROM, is the unity of Italy in a time of economic crisis and discovery for everyone, rich and poor , values sobriety and austerity, when all due to the looming possibility of social differentiation in the economic, which must be tackled and remedied, from a recognition of the dignity and respect, a commitment at all levels for a claim of equality and justice above all.

in the Italian that I would work there for everyone, there is housing for all, there is better health for all, the highest policy for all, in fact there is room for everyone, this leaves room Everyone, who has experience, who still does not 't have and acting on the basis of' enthusiasm and desire to make their lives the privileged environment where aspirations come true and dreams of the common good, for himself, for others, for their children. I must remember to tell my students, I tell them they must be builders of a better Italy, giving each the best of themselves, always, in every moment of life.

I must say that their existence implies the joys and sacrifices, meetings and secondments, which is sometimes a great temptation to get into a shelter and do not want to leave, which one must leave to get involved, to grow, perhaps to come back stronger and more mature.

I owe a lot to those who, getting in my way, was contemptuous of my wishes of peace and well-being, and I was challenged on the ground of suffering and Ideally, at the cost of spoiling the esteem and respect that united us. Well, thank you.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dvd Player Region Hack Sony Dvp-sr200p

Bravo Gianni!

Saturday afternoon I took part in Oristano, the provincial assembly of the Democratic Party my party.
I decided, since the date of receipt of the invitation to participate, with the desire to hear the report of the Secretary on the health of the party and the ensuing debate. The
was certainly a lot of irons in the fire, the regional situation, through the primaries went wrong in Cagliari and Iglesias, the latest news of Olbia, the state of the art on the national level, and then get to what interests us most, the Pd and the province of Oristano. The afternoon began at once to
grande.Infatti just stepped into the room via a pleasant known Canepa particular, most of the attendees wear on the lapel of jackets and blazers, a fantastic tricolor cockade for the anniversary celebrations on Unity of Italy.
And I, I could not attend the previous meeting in Piazza Roma in defense of public schools and the Constitution and therefore I have not been able to pin the brooch, I almost feel like a fish out of water not to have that symbol of a rich extraordinary significance.
Then the assembly begins with the report by Gianni Sanna.
That is, a document very nice, thick, a congressional report, as mentioned by Robert Shema, an analysis 360 degrees on the state party, states, honest, serious, of prospettiva.Mi are fully recognized and I also shared in the commas! The
and broader debate that was obviously raised the height of the report.
Congratulations John, I think there is absolute need of such moments, to share together. The party
there is vivo.Deve grow, yes, but I have no doubt that, in light of the appointment on Saturday, this will happen.
walk together, united.
Ours is a party perspective, even in Oristano.
The meeting on Saturday, I'm sure, is a great food for the journey!

Following the public Report of the Provincial Secretary, Gianni Sanna.

"Constitution Unit PD.Il and our commitment to help create the conditions for a future city and territory."

Good evening to all.

We are here on a Saturday evening, the day that many squares in Italy dedicated to the Constitution and to public school.

Even we, in Rome square, at the initiative of the Circle of Orissa, there was a short Flash / Mob from 15.30 to 16.20. An event

heard, not to miss the appointment. Because we believe in public schools and because the Constitution belongs to us.

Because the Constitution is apparently only a piece of paper ", while the state has the material means to act otherwise than it prescribes.

And then where is his strength? How can the principles stated in the Constitution are effectively applied?

You see there is indeed a fundamental contrast between the world of law and world politics.

The first lays down how things should be in accordance with the rules (above all those of the Constitution that are placed above all others), the second determines how things are based on the balance of power between the social partners those policies. ...

And see, beyond the mechanisms introduced by the various jurisdictions to determine the primacy of the former over the latter, it is always possible that the constitutional order is overwhelmed by the new power relationships that are created through social relations and conflicts.

Yet constitutions are not purely and simply "pieces of paper."

lay down principles that reflect actual relations of power that have historically occurred between the groups, those political and cultural currents that are the subject of supporting a new political regime.

have a pact concluded between the dominant political forces.

Here is ultimately the strength of each establishment. Groups that have endorsed the constitutional pact have a specific interest in and respect expect others to do the same, because otherwise the social and political balance may rupture with serious consequences for all.

Because the Constitution is actually respected it is therefore necessary that this initial condition is maintained and continuously renewed.

And despite the existence of differences too harsh, stays alive by all the most important forces, the willingness to accept some common rules.

why we were now in place. For more on the anniversary, at least locally, the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of Italy sponsored by the Prefect.

"The Constitution can still give so much to the country and this does not mean it is untouchable. " "The Italian Constitution is the result of exemplary experience high trade policies of the major cultures of the country. Any changes must not distorting the fundamental system defined in the first part first. "

I read this morning that with these last words was made at the document adopted at 46 weeks of Catholics in society and therefore of the CEI.

With a final solicitation, which I personally agree, addressed to political parties, and then challenges us.

"We need a law, consistent with the remedies that should be made to the electoral law and form of government, governing some crucial aspects of the life of the parties, include publication of budget and clear rules of internal democracy. "

Advertising and democracy in the parties. If we are correct that the interconnection between elected and elector does not break and at the same time we strengthen degeneration that we see daily represented no shame at all levels. In short, the 49 contains a principle of our Constitution is still not applied fully.

*** Sorry for this brief digression, but the thought was important, especially for us Democrats. Because those basic principles embodied in the Constitution are the horizon of meaning, the value system, I would say the glue that holds together our political force. Why in the Constitution and our traditions are set that synthesis exceeds that. That reform, which is the basis of the second paragraph of art. 3, which gave us life and that was summed up so effectively at the Lingotto in 2007 at the time of our birth.

The PD is there and can not be anything else. As it is in article 2 and recognition of fundamental human rights. Those individual and social, whose recognition and protection of which we can not delegate to anyone.

I remember him always to myself never to forget that this policy helps to understand and at the same time guide the direction of our positions. The positions of Pd in \u200b\u200bthe last eighteen months.

There are these values \u200b\u200bbehind the two proposals launched by the Democratic Party in the Piazza San Giovanni.

First, a reform to strengthen the Republican Constitution, modernizing institutions and rules.

The second: a partnership for growth and employment.

A reform of the institutions and rules first, to rebuild.

simplifying and making efficient the Parliament and form of government, reducing the number of Parliamentarians, by making a serious electoral law, devised by a federal responsibility and to join, bringing the cost of each policy to the European average (if that would help locally, where govern, we gave clear signs in this sense), simplifying procedures, putting a screwdriver - as Bersani - in the operation of all sectors of government, defining the incompatibilities and conflicts of interest, erasing monopolies and dominant positions starting from information by creating common standards, starting with those financial, to flush out the illegal and criminal organizations. taking care of rights, Article 3 of our Constitution, laws that support equality and recognize the differences starting with the role of women in leadership roles, laws that combat homophobia, which ensure dignity in illness, which prevents the immigration mess falls on the weakest part of our population and finally to say that a child born here and son of immigrants: you're one of us, you're an Italian.

The new citizenship and new rights, or simply the rights for which we turn now to the Selma Forum. Because it is our identity. For he who speaks of citizenship compared with that word the politician's Democratic


The second alliance for growth and for the work, and that is a pact between institutions, labor, business, subject knowledge and subsidiarity . Where in that covenant there is a reinterpretation of our welfare services from the subject and the condition of the family crushed by falling incomes, non-self-sufficiency, the new youth unemployment.

I was talking with one of our young officer the other night: prepared, academically excellent graduate, now a master in his pocket, which is seen to offer after all curriculum presented, only one place in a call center of a bank or a contract to procure insurance at home ..


on these proposals the Democratic Party has launched the challenge. On these proposals is committed to building an alternative proposal.

During sunset Berlusconi. That will be a twilight that will create dramatic tension on the political and institutional. Berlusconi defends with all the energy to survive and end-of-the democratic reconstruction will require a competition of forces. Not enough and not enough the entire span of the center-left. If you do not

to govern (this issue is objectively open and its solution will depend on when elections will be held and the level of institutional struggle that will lead us Berlusconi), at least to start, to renew that covenant on some common rules that do not touch and which apply to all.

I sincerely agree with that holding, determination and design are the three key words on which you have to hold our camp next year. Tenuta because Berlusconi will try to stand and we shall have more grit than he, because polls show that determination is losing its grip on public opinion and the opposition to improve its ability to talk to citizens, because the project is still going to vote before the expiry of the term and in any case May there are administrative. And also our common concern and on which we are operating.


course, faced with this complexity we need a party that knows how to find each other. Where its pluralistic character is a resource and can never be an excuse to protect and boost internal differences, the marks of origin, perhaps to guard jealously and pass only resist. This applies at all levels. It concerns the national dimension but also relates to our regional experience and local levels. The party goes to a regional weaning and at the provincial level has just celebrated its first birthday.

Perhaps some consideration is a must and any evaluation is needed. It can help in the journey ahead.

seems to me that the regional plan would not hurt to follow up the findings in the latest Regional Office in Oristano. Put an end to congressional placements of fifteen months ago, the dualism majority and minority, in this endless game of chess that is played by ourselves. That does not take us anywhere and that takes away from our discussions now not only our constituents but also most of the members and a growing number of these managers. However this is no longer as a year ago. And then the experience of membership in a party you do not live like a local council, with the positions of majority and minority are crystallized for five years, with at most a few small landslides - now here now there - only for reasons of convenience. In a project started is one, not two or three, all opposed. Even in a plural party like ours.

I think it is essential that at the regional level, and where in the territories has not yet happened, it you get to share in the conduct of the party. Of course, never sacrificing the debate even close, when necessary through extensive consultation with our members, and then ends at the end of the proposal and support it with conviction. In short, an assumption of responsibility of all countries is not very postponed. Silvio Lai has evoked. Now we need to give it legs. It would be useful to a certain timeliness. Moreover

not now that I think the Aventine are unsustainable if we are in fact that this party does not turn quickly into a faded copy of the seasons decadent that preceded the birth. And then in the long run the Aventine produces effects opposite to those desired: dispersed elsewhere our consent and commitment (after the primaries in Cagliari also teach us that) and in reinforcing, rather than reduce, the less willing to change positions.

The PD can not be in the history of Sardinia Ds seamless: no doubt. Neither the former Margaret anyone have contracted the banner of Catholicism in this democratic experience. The Democratic Party is or should be different.

Silvio must quickly close the post-season conference and its subsequent divisions.

must open a new one in which to test his leadership within the party and the party in the territories. How? I am struggling to find the location. But I think the balance can never be found pleasing the "special": there is a risk of a tilt from the system. Do not forget that in many areas some of our "joint" procedure, the name is so and not souls or cultural traditions of modesty and respect of the latter, are so ingrained as to constitute the system, with the virtues and defects that long familiarity with power means: in some cases, one with the institutional system. Perhaps the balance should be on another level, on a high floor, less contingent, and therefore unstable.

Maybe starting with a project that passes through an autonomous federated organization than the party's national cheese and not only to a decentralized organization as evidenced by the regional statute sadly not yet been finally approved, some sound rule that accompany us on this path ensures that all favors and finally the emergence of a ruling class only democracy without adjectives, some proposals that bravely declines by our idea of \u200b\u200bregion in a pattern that markedly enhances its ability to self-determined their future. Knowing that behind this project is not a tabula rasa, that there is a courageous journey that we have already done, which delivers results and also some errors. Of enthusiasm and many disappointments.

And that his view is Sardinia in 2020.

Looking forward and not backwards nostalgically at last. Because history never repeats the same.

*** And then there's our local experience, the province. Our efforts, our difficulties. Our unity and our weaknesses.

If I were to express an opinion after one year of activity, I would just say that we have only part of the trail, soccer, in some passages, paths, at least at the beginning turned out to be a bit 'Difficult. Action should be taken even habits. It was not easy. •

were not consistent with schema majority / minority that has marked the regional experience of the party at least until yesterday, and it sometimes has also created "personal problems" to the Provincial Secretary, called the regional dimension to deal with decision-making mechanisms completely different from those charged locally

we made an agreement that tried to mix single membership, stories, or simply feeling, without ever recognizing in them the right to exist as the organizational choices in times (one of my own, your own): all necessary, no one factor; • We have meticulously avoided

fireplaces: The Secretariat has assumed its responsibilities and its members have succeeded in most cases to share the experience without ever feeling the guardians of anyone. Members then took the bodies of the decision;

• We have tried to put on a territorial organization, which exists in part only on paper and that the membership in 2010, with Operation Truth, has laid bare (about 300 cards in less than about 1400 Members of the year 2008/2009 and over 300 new members)

• We promoted the creation of new clubs, accompanying the process without force and promote collaboration, even in the choice of institutional representatives with some successes and some mediocre result

we have promoted opportunities for reflection in the area and in town for reaccustom members and voters to participate and the fatigue of useful debate. The planning conference before traveling provincial forums, flash / mob, a thousand squares. On average per month initiative. At two in the first planning conference have recorded modest presence, then gradually great turnout, especially the initiatives of the forum. •

we tidied up the few available resources in a transparent manner that will be subsequently illustrated by Valerio.

These are some of our efforts.

course this year we have come to terms with our weaknesses, correcting some gradually trying to build pathways that can overcome other.

We tried to avoid the solos. Publicly, the positions were almost always tuned, overcoming the gap of a party of a thousand voices, the protagonist of the individual.

aware that the credibility also depends on the perception of citizens and representatives from the political and social structures of a common design that belongs to us

We tried not to miss on any of the big issues with our point of view, always reasoned, documented, shared internally. E 'success on the desertification of the interior of our common, it happened on school reorganization plan, the 162, on the future of hospitals and Ghilarza Bosa, the environment and renewable energy, photovoltaics, information on milk quotas, on Fenosu.

We may not have yelled. But our position was firm but free of demagoguery in the knowledge that we are today and tomorrow we want to be in opposition to the government.

We have urged the positions in the institutions more representative, by coming to terms with large majorities, but the center-right at issue, since the beginning of their business in trouble and are deprived even of the 'enthusiasm of the newcomers.

We put on a conference of our administrators to relate to the issues on time of our communities and to be able to build a network system that would allow those who are struggling daily with sometimes insurmountable problems have solutions experienced by other virtuous and to make both more timely and in a pragmatic sense, our proposal to government .

circles are also directors and actors the coming weeks of local initiatives, which run on a joint zonal more or less coinciding with the Union of Municipalities.

Groups Board of County and City, in the second half of 2010 is coordinated strategic decisions are the responsibility of two entities. Finally the story of the airport. On which perhaps relate some of my colleagues.

course coordination may not involve only us, the groups board of the Democratic Party, should also concern us and the other forces to play the role of the minority.

The issue has particular connotations in town, since in addition to the center also supports this feature and force the UDC Paris.

I think it's time to see if the experience of city government than there is in addition to a common negative opinion on this administrative experience can also develop a joint proposal for the possible future of Oristano. Or if he believes that the recent combination that has led the center- compact to the reconquest of the province, and later to his immediate divisions and the difficulty of implementing successful acts of government, is the price that the city of Oristano is going to pay again for another five years for a gap of courage to initiate a 'action for change.

said that we register that it is this majority is proposing dramatized indeed incomprehensible. Indeed not only the City but also in the province of Oristano.

look aghast at the City Mayor PDL and playing a dangerous game for the City, dueling for balances within the same majority. Both equally responsible of the vacuum design of this Administration. And the condition prevailing in Orissa. Why is that the avoidance of doubt and without distinction: on the one hand are the responsibility of a mayor and a lack dimistichezza with its institutional role, the other is just the PDL and its heavy administrative responsibilities with five out of eight councilors in strategic sectors of the administration, with the president of the Municipal Council, under the presidency of the fifty percent of board committees.

Citizens expect that they govern, so that is why they have voted. And are entitled to expect. And we with them.

And what they have done, sooner or later judge them. This time hopefully without forgetting.
On Oristano
must prepare now. Picture this by putting pen to paper and now a back of the list that will sustain it. A project to aggregate the consent of a civil society and perhaps angry resignation, but that perhaps is not ready to stand before the television and if a proposal to come out a convincing and credible political class aims to its attention. By building an alliance, but not arising from an alliance. To deny even the behaviors that we are all equal. Al Pd

of my city council colleagues in the group I could ask to live divaricante the situation in the majority that rules the town of Oristano complaint but did not give up the great sense of responsibility required of those who exercise public functions. To do so with great intelligence. Without losing sight of the interests of the community, who also gave us only the role of minority and do not cross the government. Share when possible, to stand up when needed. Always check as it is our duty. Did not join the PDL ever for small vessels, devoid of any political perspective. Not to facilitate any of our opponents the way of your responsibilities. Of forming relationships and practice behaviors that enhance our credibility and authority.

Because this is the way to overcome our political weakness in this area, our late elections, the gap in left-center. There are other roads at the cost of pass-sighted.

And let me finally, speaking of our weaknesses, a brief mention on the output from the Democratic Party di Peppino Marras, its public statements and a service of the Sarda about it. Without a reflection of the fact overstated be made, only to report the incident in the right size.

I'm sorry, let me tell you as a democrat and as Secretary of the Democratic Party. I shared with him the experience in DC, and the Popular Democratic Party.

If he goes, he told us calling the API, the formation of Rutelli. One of those little boxes remained empty, which he said were filled. Let the center and should be in the so-called Third Pole.

I've already said that I had felt for quite some time, the smell. Even for a chat made less than a month ago and whose contents I had darkened.

I take note, I thought about it, think seriously. Because behind every action there is always a reason.

And even when it happens like this you absolutely can not for arguments, method and timing.

said it wanted to return to the center in his public statement. I struggle to comprehend what it means since the pd is not an extremist party and Peppino group leader and was the main protagonist of the Democratic Party line in the City Council in Oristano and for this reason that eight months ago there was always the candidate with the PD in the Provincial Council.

And then an empty box, as he said, was never a political space.

At best, to quote a friend, may be the place for non-choices, a place without too many rules or controls so you never have to account to anyone.

Parties are not prisons. Anyway.

It can happen for many reasons that an elected Parliament, a Regional Council, a Provincial or Municipal Council at some point change the party. After two years, after four or only after a few months after his election.

Good faith and the choices each one must nevertheless be respected.

But along with the choices each must also be respected by all those involved who have chosen the right to vote the person elected by voting that symbol, or turning the concept: they chose that symbol and have it voted to elect.

Certainly when you jump you can not return the vote, even when it would take at least to silence those who gave it to you, but you can return the seat.

To respect, you have the right to claim their choices, and then what is owed to the choices of all.

conclusion, I mean A year ago my election unit has gone through a mix of old procedures but also new ways that have allowed to probe first clubs in the level of appreciation of the proposal. A

idea I tried to remain faithful, even when I felt the distinction at the appointment of the presidential candidate of the Province, I have also recently been criticized in the local press.

unit inclusion will remain a cornerstone of my commitment to members and voters knowing that in order for it to be true and not merely a gilded cage, will always represent a later stage than the internal debate and discussion.

And then you decide and that decision is a commitment and for all. We

marginalized anyone. It 's too fresh a memory to know what it means to be. Today than in January last year there is a skeleton town, but I would renew the invitation a year ago, we have made "available" to all the resources of each so that they can become friends and comrades of all.

In the area the party is built that way. There are other roads. And not just the Provincial Secretary and the Executive Team.

A party that knows how to create relations, combining the territories, which holds together the cities and small towns, that keeps us connected, generations who invites a comparison.

Why, however, there must be a time for everyone.

A single project that the idea of \u200b\u200ba community of people working towards the same goal.

And what we now claim not only for us but for the entire Democratic party in Sardinia.

will be a challenging year and the road will be bumpy .. If we fix something let's do it now, because in a month we will not have time to talk to us, to introspective analysis as we challenge the city and the territory.

Our unit so far helped us along the road taken and to collect some results, reflecting the less possible difficulties that did not depend solely on us.

would not have been possible otherwise achieve the goals we set ourselves, to promote the initiatives we have launched, begin to affect the perception people have of us.

That design then I hope it will still represent the encouragement for promoting the Democratic Party finally force the government of this territory.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Which Hurts Worse Gallbladder Or Appendix

Eleonora d'Arborea Gonnoscodina.

Anna Frau

critical and cultural vitality animated Gonnoscodina Friday afternoon in the presentation of the book by Michele De Stefano "The Minor Arcana - Eleanor of Arborea between myth and reality", recreating the premises of Mount Granat that houses the public library, a charming atmosphere literary circle, which now has wrapped up and involved the large audience. Dutiful a brief commentary.

sincere and heartfelt, albeit fast, greetings and thanks, the introduction of short and concise writing, almost jealous of space to leave the speakers carefully identified to make the event special. The Mayor, in welcoming impeccable, his hands saluto.Entusiasti operators and service manager library. It begins.

Catherine Pes, teacher and member of Parliament, expressed passionately, with conviction and determination, the purely psychological and behavioral traits woman's past and present, "portrays" with wisdom and a communicative Eleonora d'Arborea "alive" in a mix of aspirations, feelings, difficulties of his time in a continuous tension between professional and political commitments and personal emotional bonds . Catherine, overwhelming, reaches all, in many we are in Eleanor, in many we are in Catherine.

Bachisio Porras, headmaster of the Liceo Scientifico "E. Fermi" of Nuoro and Regional President ANP, reserves his attention to the book and commits all of careful listening and positive critique of modernity from which emerges the figure of Eleanor , which resulted in efficiency in many rights under the Charter of Logu.Gioca advance and concludes brilliantly with reference to the work of redefining the Sardinian States, the decision to involve young people, the intent to exploit the areas of self-determination. The line of continuity between the Charter Logu / Middle Ages and the Statute Sardo / twenty-first century is not ideal, it is practical, we must acquire knowledge.

Stefania De Michele, A journalist from Sardinia and Mediaset, now present as a writer, a young and talented, cheerful, enthusiastic and easy, talks about his passion for history, the two years of study and commitment that led to the drafting of "The Minor Arcana," says his Eleanor, recover significant historical references. His presence at the door to Gonnoscodina operate within the territory of the judge, the International Women's Day leads her to highlight the many achievements made, which the Giudicessa d'Arborea is a symbol, but to also consider the existence of conditions of great inequality for women in some countries still struggling to achieve their fundamental rights.

And finally, the sad news that sees the female figure jump to hit the headlines in ways that demean the dignity and intelligence. Here is today's woman portrayed by Stephanie, the centenary of his party, placed in a historical complex and contradictory.

is concluded but the discussion is not closed, that's the beauty of culture and confrontation, This is the result when doc intellectual passion for the study make a life commitment. THANKS!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vintage Home Stereo Tuner

One Ubuntu (again) let's find out! Cara

Some time ago I spoke of the personal cloud , comparing to Canonical and Dropbox.

Now things are a bit different: One Ubuntu has made many strides since its first (shy) appearing on Ubuntu Karmic has been criticized a lot (including myself) and yet today that Ubuntu is taking Natty increasingly form, this service has become stable and very efficient. Who is testing Natty, will certainly have seen the new Control Center Ubuntu One

Very well cared for, we can see the contents, the details of our account, any service additional floor space and personnel available on our cloud and more.

Obviously, the synchronization works perfectly, without the heavy bug that hijacked the user to other similar services. About this, a feature of Ubuntu One is that, unlike Dropbox, synchronized files are not automatically accessible from the web!

If we want a file can be downloaded from someone else, we need to set acceptable . This is a very important role because it allows us to decide which files to expose to others, good or bad. Ubuntu

One offers several types of accounts, the one that offers 2GB of free space that a payment and mobile, the site is to register

soon ^ __ ^

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Best Strip In Los Angeles

fox, come out of the closet!

Today Mozilla has finally released after "only" 12 beta, the RC (Release Candidate or a candidate for release) of his famous web browser Firefox 4!

Mozilla has therefore issued the final stage of what will be, in just over a month, the default browser for Ubuntu 4.11 Natty Narwhal (and beyond). The translations have been completed, have been solved almost all the critical bugs that were over 12 versions of beta and the many new features have been properly tested "with help from our contributors and millions of beta testers (of which there are me:-D). I refer you to

official Firefox website to download this new version, available as usual for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and all systems GNU / Linux.

Happy download ^ __ ^

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Can You Live With Chf And Copd

Campaign "We want to mix it up without Scissors"

Woman Hot Pink Life Vest

Michela Murgia speech to the City of Cagliari in the course of the award "Woman of the Sarda," assigned to it by Lioness of Cagliari.

now that we broke the ceremonial, even before I receive the award I want to add two words to the thoughts of Mayor Flores. I am honored that the club wanted to bestow this award Lioness. I have received many awards over the past year, but I want to tell you that the greatest satisfaction I had from the fact that the first - the premium Giuseppe Dessì - came from my country. This shows once more that is not true that nobody is prophet in his homeland, and that there is no need to wait to be cleared out to consider the height of the world: Sardinia is able to recognize the talents of her children and often knows how to exploit them. Then came the other awards, including the Campiello was certainly important, but nothing counts as knowledge that their voice has been recognized where she was born, as is happening in the rest here in this room today.

Cagliari I must say that in this process of exploitation has not always been well prepared. The only other time I received attention from the capital was the last year, when I received an invitation to do a testimonial to the celebrations for the fiftieth anniversary of the Barbie doll, in an initiative also supported financially by the municipality. They said that Barbie and I both are examples of women's emancipation. I think I believe in a process of emancipation is very different from that represented by Barbie, so - excuse me, the mayor today - on that occasion declined the invitation. Quite different is the value of recognition given me today by Lioness, and in fact I'm here.

I am happy to hear from the voice of the mayor that culture is one of the areas of most interest to policy Sardinia. I wish it were always true, and we all know that but unfortunately it is not. Let me take this opportunity to ask him to prove it with more force defending the public school that is undergoing the attack right from the institutions that should protect it. Small local schools are closing on a basis that takes into account only the rationalization of economic calculations, and this short-sighted logic, in a high school dropout rate as ours, will make it more difficult for young Sardinian education base.

you honor me today because I believe that gives luster to Sardinia, but do not forget that I studied in a small school district, and to withdraw this today in this award is a credit to work of my teachers and to the vision of a political class that was still able to understand that the future of their children it can not be calculated using the same criteria with which you balance the budget in a commercial. With the current parameters so that school would be closed, and I probably would not be here now. The investment in culture does not come just from the recognition of culture who has already done his job, but the primary place where culture becomes the heritage of all: the school.

Thanks again to Lioness for giving me the opportunity to reaffirm in front of an audience so sensitive and caring.

Denise Milani Sets 2010

Twitter, a daily exercise for mental health

Beppe Severgnini
(from Corriere della Sera)

Twitter is the younger brother of Facebook. If anything, his cousin. And other relatives. Facebook has seven years, was created by kids for kids: use it even adults, but we rent (moral). Twitter is five years old. It is most critical, less sympathetic, but sharper. Social and murderous enough to know how to use.

Microblogging - the official definition - it is a good summary. The interventions require the synthesis of 140 characters. I am a daily exercise for mental hygiene, a toothbrush for the brain. I became the twitter

19/04/2009 at 14:14:17, and since then I've written 2,691 tweets (on site are very accurate). I followed 48,724 people, I follow 332. When I run into an intervention (tweet) clever, I'm going to follow the author. Usually, I do not regret.

If I want to have their say on what I write, I try my name under "terms". Sunday I put on Twitter (tweeted?) 'If not now, when? I understand the spirit, I share the discomfort, I discuss the method. Still squares and slogan? It is the twenty-first century, girls! "And I was inundated with opinions. Write a comment on the "Corriere" then it was easy. And beautiful. After all, the readers answered. Until yesterday, were the readers who responded to us.

Another example? We opened Corriere TV, the new videorubrica "Three Minutes a word." The numbers help tell if the stream works, but if I write about Twitter "What a mess! You like it? Http://" I discover now. Compliments and criticisms are immediate, original and fresh. Franks, but not aggressive. Twitter is a place for the time being intellectually honest. Hysterical, vicious and cowardly have not yet discovered. And if found out, I suspect that it is not for them. In 140 characters, and there is a thought, not a proclamation.

Twitter is an instant survey, a temporary Judgement, a joy, a circus, an academic seminar, an outlet, a mood, a way to understand where breathes the spirit of the times (Via the column "trends" always updated). They use some celebrities, and many less-known but no less interesting. The former are favorites, but often abuse their luck: Twitter is not a microufficio-printing. Twitter asks

requires passion, timing, humor and seriousness. It 'still a means of mass communication, not a private comment (There are, however, the "direct messages"). A tweet retweettato (raised) can have an exponential distribution. When I asked what questions to ask, Silvio B. - If it was that face interview and from outside the party - I used the # sign (# intervistiamoberlusconi). One way to gather feedback and facilitate research.

You've got it. Twitter allows for professional and personal use, but professionals customize and make professional people. The risk is addiction, which leads some people to tell their own day in every detail, but since not everyone is Joyce, the effects are sometimes sconcertanenti. A small risk of facing a good fun. An oxymoron of the twenty-first century, free and brilliant.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bucket Frozenmargareta Mix

March 8, International Women's Day.

On this day a thought for all women in the world. A dedication
particularly important and grateful
for women of my family, my wife, great life companion, mother extraordinary and tireless worker, for my daughter, very sweet girl, endless joy and reason for living.

Cute Picnik Quotes For Couples

As in "Christmas in the House Cupiello"

These days, a great lover of the plays of Edward and his extraordinary art, I'm combining a few characters of one of these, perhaps the best known and most beautiful for me, "Christmas in Cupiello House, "a category of people, alas, very much present in society, which is never anything good and the level of proactiveness is equal to zero, while their modus operandi is characterized only by a critique and a priori biased towards the do others. Luca Cupiello
Remember, in the homonymous play, intent on preparation method of the crib, to which he devoted himself despite criticism of his wife Concetta and her son Tommy?
Luke, who for years lived in the illusion of a happy family, well represented by the figure of the Christmas crib and the Holy Family, the end is prepared to die in the illusion that the world is as he has not always creduto.Ma so!
Great parody, this, of life, where, in the face of people who every day strive to build something, putting also available to those who think differently, with the intention to establish a comparison aimed at the sharing of common goals on achieved, there are those, as a concept and Tommasino, which close like a clam and so all they propose and you never goes well, that "presebbio or" do not like ever.

I do not consider these people.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Why Does My Danby Microwave Keep Beeping

Ubuntu 11.10: Mark Shuttleworth announced the codename

The expected effects in a few weeks ago, but now Mark has announced what will be the code name for the release of Ubuntu due out in October: 11:10 Oneiric Ocelot. The name seems nice ... who knows what it means? For those who do not chew or English for those who did not want visit Google Translate, I will explain: leopard dreamy!

Got it? After the Lynx Lucida is a new cat to accompany our days, a leopard dreamy! But that is codename? It 'true that in Italian does not make much (in French even less), however, Uncle Mark are choosing from about a year now, more and more funny names and strange ...

can read the full announcement in the blog of Mark Shuttleworth

Let me know what you think, see you soon .^__^

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Calamandrei's speech on public school. (1950)

"Let's say, so theoretically, there is a ruling party, a ruling party, which, however, formally wants to respect the constitution, not want to violate the substance. Do not want to march on Rome and transform the classroom space for the paddles, but wants to establish, without opinion, a disguised dictatorship.

So, what to do to gain control of schools and to transform the State schools the
n Party schools? He realizes that the State schools are failing to be impartial. There is a certain resistance, in those schools is always there, even under fascism has been there. Then the dominant party follows another path (it's all a theoretical hypothesis, mind you). He begins to neglect the public schools, to discredit, to impoverish. Let it anemizzino and begins to favor private schools. Not all private schools. The schools of his party, that party. And then all these treatments are beginning to go to private schools. Cure of money and privilege. He even begins to advise the boys to go to these schools, because basically it says are better than those of the state. And maybe give themselves awards, as now I will tell you, or proposes to give awards to citizens who are willing to send their children to public schools rather than private schools. A "those" private schools. The exams are easier, unless you study and you do best. So the private school becomes a privileged school.

The ruling party, could not transform the State schools openly in schools of the party, sent to hell for the State schools give preference to private schools. Beware, my friends, this conference this is the point that we must discuss. Warning, this is the recipe. We must keep an eye on the cooks of this low kitchen. The operation is done in three ways: I have already said, ruin the State schools. Let go to hell. Impoverish their budgets. Ignore their needs. Mitigate the supervision and control over private schools. Do not check its reliability. Let the teachers teach you that do not have the minimum qualifications to teach. Let the examinations are jokes. Giving public money to private schools. This is the point. Giving public money to private schools. "

Piero Calamandrei

(Speech delivered by Piero Calamandrei the third congress of the Association in Defence of the National School at Rome 's February 11, 1950)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What Does Paddle Attachment Mixer Look Like


Uextras è arrivato oggi alla versione 0.2.6 ! Dopo alcune settimane di gestazione, insieme agli altri sviluppatori (si ringrazia Tokijin per il contributo maggiore) questa nuova versione porta con se diversi miglioramenti e bugfix.

Le novità più importanti riguardano il gestore sorgenti:

rispetto alla versione precedente, ora è possibile effettuare un backup del sources.list in modo da prevenire eventuali errori allo stesso; inoltre, è possibile creare un nuovo sources.list che verrà utilizzato come predefinito dal sistema (il sources.list still in use is saved automatically).

Another novelty is the "System" tab:

has been completely renovated, making the reading of the data simpler and faster. Also included was the ability to set, change and remove the profile picture. A click on Tux allows us to choose which image to set or change, and allows us to remove a button!

The program now supports the removal of recent documents on Gnome. The code was cleaned up many unnecessary strings, making the program more lightweight and there are many failures that have been corrected.

To download the deb or the source code, I refer you to page Launchpad.

Hello ^ __ ^

How Do You Heal Split Skin

The PD would like.

Massimo Dade.

Some say that, at this juncture, to criticize the leadership of the Democratic Party Sardinian would be like shooting on the Red Cross. It might be useful then try to outline the contours of a modern reformist party in order to make sense of militancy put to the test by a sample of inadequacy, approximation, incapacity. First we have to correct that persistent strabismus that leads many of its leaders to look to the new political entity with an eye to the old membership.

The PD should have been a new party in which the old had to dissolve in the new and everyone had to mingle with everyone. Still many, however, waste much of their time in building areas, sensitivity, currents, the illusion of reviving the old, anachronistic, belonging.

A party that should stop use of primary elections to eat their Kin, using them for what they are: a powerful tool of participatory democracy, a moment of confrontation between different ideas and policy options, including different projects and alternatives.

A federated with the national party through an agreement that ensures equal status between the parties, where there is no center or periphery that decides who obeys. An innovative part on institutional reforms, which finally takes note that the special autonomy is over and that we must begin to fly new and innovative ways. Starting to break some taboos considered untouchable, such as the option of independence. Independence does not mean "separatism" and even "separateness". Independence means to build consensus, an equal relationship between equals, with no hierarchical link with the Italian.

a party where his militants are no longer labeled as those loyal to this or that notable, but not carry its own idea of \u200b\u200bthe party, its own experience, their experiences, their struggles, their hardships, their emotions. A party in which the change is not only announced but also practiced. Where good men for all seasons, those ready to sacrifice on the altar of the new destinies of others, never their own, are finally shown the door. A party that is not afraid to discuss their losses and that is capable of tearing the veil of hypocrisy, lying on the causes of stinging electoral defeat of 2009.

a party where the internal dialogue does not turn into a dull job for the conquest of an application, a department, a place in a board of directors. A party that cultivates the primacy of politics, aware that when there is no ethical dimension of politics means that it is being replaced by a pragmatism shopkeeper without values \u200b\u200band ideals. A truly secular party, respectful of the beliefs and moral convictions of each, where religious, be distinguished from the philosophical and moral laws of the State, where what is considered a sin does not become a crime. A party that is focused on merit and accountability, ethics and public morality.

A party that does not meet the suggestions of a nuovismo without values \u200b\u200bthat often ends in a registry mediocrity. A party capable of promoting a new management team and a new ruling class in society and institutions. A party able to give body and legs to a precise idea of \u200b\u200bSardinia, a project which combines a necessary process of modernization with the preservation of our identity as a people. A party that becomes a point of reference for all those citizens who are not resigned to a fate of marginalization and subordination, for those who head up back straight and want to take in their hands the destiny of our Sardinia.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ebay Speed Boat For Sale

A Review of History: Speech-Pericles to the Athenians, 461 BC

Here in Athens we do like.

Here our government favors the many instead of the few: and this is called democracy.

Here in Athens we do like.

laws ensure equal justice for all in their private disputes, but we never ignore the merits of excellence.

When a citizen stands, then it will be, in preference to others, called to serve the state but not as an act of privilege as a reward of merit, and poverty is not an impediment.

Here in Athens we do like.

The freedom we enjoy extends also to their daily life, we are not suspicious of one another and do not ever annoy our neighbors when our neighbor like to live in his own way.

We are free, free to live just like we like, and yet we are always ready to face any danger.

An Athenian citizen does not neglect public affairs when waiting to their private affairs, but also is not concerned with public affairs to resolve his private matters.

Here in Athens we do like.

We have been taught to respect the judiciary, and we were also taught to respect the laws and do not ever forget that we must protect those who get offended.

And we were also taught to observe those unwritten laws that reside in the universal sense of what is right and what is common sense.

Here in Athens we do like.

A man who does not care about the state we do not consider it harmless, but useless, and though a few are able to create a policy, all well here in Athens we can judge it.

We do not regard the discussion as an obstacle on the path to democracy.

We believe that happiness is the fruit of freedom, but freedom is only the fruit of the value.

So, I proclaim that Athens is the school of Hellas, and that every Athenian growing developing in him a happy versatility, confidence in himself, his readiness to face any situation and that is why our city is open the world and we never expel a foreigner.

Here in Athens we do like. The

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0.2.6 Ubuntu 4.11 Natty Narwhal: impressions and reviews

Yesterday has been released by Canonical, the third Alpha of the next Ubuntu release, Natty 11:04 Narhwal! Starting with this release, distribution is sufficiently stable to be able to seriously test without too much risk of having the computer kaputt.

As we all know, the development team decided to introduce a key new feature in this release: Unity ... for whom he had never heard of before, Unity is a graphical interface that appeared in the "Ubuntu Netbook Edition." Now, Canonical decided to far scomparire quest'ultima versione e di portare Unity sull'edizione desktop; molte le critiche e molti gli apprezzamenti per questa scelta, che io non condivido, che dovrebbe portare una gestione facilitata del desktop anche all'utente inesperto...

Si, forse all'utente inesperto può venire facile usare Unity se non ha mai utilizzato altro (leggasi, chi installa la 11.04 come prima Ubuntu); ma per chi, come me, utilizza il classico Gnome da qualche anno... beh, un pò di difficoltà e disgusto c'è!!

Ecco come si presenta Unity: un solo pannello in alto con il global menu,  che altro non è che il menu di ogni application integrated into the top panel ... cloning is to continue with the Mac OS X!! Then we have a fixed dock on the left side where you can insert and remove only some pitchers (those are fixed, at least until it finds a way to remove them from gconf-editor: P) and finally we have the dash . No, not the detergent, is simply an area where you can launch your favorite applications (much sense if there is already a dock?) And do a search of the applications installed! Pressing the Ubuntu logo in the upper left, you will see the dash, which looks like this

La fortuna mia e di molti è che il classico Gnome resta comunque utilizzabile, basta selezionare all'avvio "Ubuntu classic desktop" per avere il l'interfaccia che ci ha accompagnati finora; se invece abilitiamo l'autologin, possiamo selezionare Gnome andando in Sistema -> Amministrazione -> Schermata d'accesso.... oooops, che sbadato, con Unity non si può! Ora bisogna cliccare sull'icona "Applicazioni" nella dash e cercare, tra le applicazioni installate, la "Schermata d'accesso"... comodo, no?

A voi altri giudizi e pareri, l'ultimo pensiero che esprimo in questo post è: se Canonical intende eliminare Gnome dalla sua distribuzione (ovvero se a partire dalla 11.10 ci sarà soltanto Unity and Gnome will be installed to use it) I'm ready to come back from Mom!

Hello ^ __ ^

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Connecting Ipod To Shareza

Which school for my daughter.

reading of the resolution number 11/12 of the Regional Council on 1 March 2011, aiming to achieve "Plan size of educational institutions and the redefinition of the school network and training supply for the 2011-2012 school year," he suggests some considerations about schools in my area, mainly because of my "status" as a parent of a girl who, before long, will take his school career.

This resolution is made from a kind of premise that reads: "the Sardinia Region to promote the full right to education and the educational success of all the Sardinians, and it is the duty of all State and local institutions to identify and share strategic interventions aimed at defining a standard that satisfies the fundamental right to education and training, regardless of area of \u200b\u200bresidence, age group, by economic conditions. "

Well, starting from this premise, contained in the regional plan just passed, I want to comment
general, those which are unlikely to any parent who would care about the training of their child.

The importance and therefore, the presence in the territory of the school is crucial.
In recent years, administrators have implemented a number of strategies that have helped maintain this institution by looking to balance the needs of the presence of the garrison to school with those of a teaching task.
And this, in my opinion, the heart of the problem.
In fact, parent of the area who wants a quality school for your daughter, I definitely can not ignore this consideration. So
presence and quality of the school.
few years ago to keep the primary school in Solo and Asuni, was placed in an operation that could be defined as "alchemist", dividing the complex in due.Questa organization is served, I say with great sincerity, only to satisfy the two municipalities and their populations that they wanted, but certainly not to make a school with a teaching level.
If, at the time, I had a daughter to be entered in the primary, this case would have me seriously worried.
I think instead that the new structure, which is shared by the Province and has now been approved by the Region, that the mayors and administrations are given, which corresponds to that principle is imperative that sees the presence in the territory of a school of about quality.more, also the adoption of full-time is important if the conditions are right, even logistics for its implementation, because it is unthinkable to imagine that the child goes to school at 8:30 to leave at 16.30, spending this time in the same room and without the availability of spaces and facilities appropriate to the implementation of a teaching member needs and educational needs of pupils and students of different age groups.

And then, with the hope that in the coming years, the educational institution, in our territory, and remains, if anything, be strengthened with the support of the numbers, I hope that my daughter can attend a primary school and secondary level that possible to grow up with a training in the near
eguo of his schooling did not make her feel, and above all be a series of student B!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

5 Month Old Baby Flemmy

Greetings James!

Yesterday my dear nephew James has made 5 years.
with mum and dad Simon Peter, we celebrated this birthday with grandparents, relatives and friends.
James is a perfect child, happy and peaceful, surrounded by the growing of all of us.
Jacopotto Then, several more cards!

A dock on your very special cousin Enrica, Aunt Anna, from Uncle Mark, from grandma and grandpa Gabriella Serapio.