Wednesday, December 30, 2009

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Speed \u200b\u200bdating via Facebook Social

Dating girls and boys singles , here's errors most often to be avoided at all costs:

1. In the case of meetings preceded by a fact-finding phase "online" , perhaps through Badoo, Facebook or some other social network of fashion, you have got to share with the other one or more photos. There is nothing worse than being in front of the first meeting a person that does not correspond to what we saw in the picture! Then send recent photos, do not change the computer and possibly alone: \u200b\u200bno one likes to go 30 seconds to find something in class pictures!

2. Lying age or profession: if you're 37 years old and unemployed at home mum because it is better that your virtual girl's knowledge! If nothing else, avoid other rivers of lies in the subsequent meetings (if it ever give you a second chance), which would mean that you really did impress her!

3. Same for the name (and here I refer to girls) ... Knowing Jennifer, Desiree, Stella and then know, or worse, to know that in reality is called Fernanda, Josephine Rosalia or no pleasure for sure: it is better not to create confusion , ok?!

4. not recited, be as natural as possible! Useless present in a tuxedo and Mercedes when every day the war turned with a Panda and your jeans are more greasy than the electro lysis and working under your own home! The goal is always to find the right person that fits into your life so 'natural', without upsetting either jump through hoops!

5. Be kind and considerate, always : women like to have next to a male figure to take care of them, even if only for a few hours during the first date. Not to mention the boys, who would like to have them next to a girl growing up in the Bronx ? I think anyone, so ...

If you follow these top tips, you'll have a good chance of get a second date with the girl or boy just met. Otherwise, review the lesson and hope to be luckier in the future;)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

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the inspection of our Board with the filter group

the request was held site inspection of our council group, the cleaner Casola Valsenio. Accompanied by the technician of Hera, in charge of, the mayor and the aldermen Iseppi Barzagli Ricciardelli and we have seen the state of the plant and ask many questions.
The meeting revealed that the plant now in service for over twenty years, is able to perform its function more efficiently and to respond fully to the needs of Casola being adjusted to serve a population of about two thousand population. The whole area is inhabited served with the exception of Via delle Vigne, and a branch of Via Roma, which should be linked 2010. In the view of technical problems, there were no details of the operation and management as well as Hera have a system of remote sensing parameters of the equipment, has in place a contract with the Coop Valley Senio for daily checks. The sludge is collected weekly and transferred to the storage facilities at Imola.
After the tour we declared our satisfaction with the degree of operating and maintaining the system.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

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"The best answer to criticism instrumental and concerned that in recent months had invested the Government and the Minister Zaia I think is in reality: for the next three years funding to agriculture will amount to 1.145 billion euro, for lovers of statistics, it is worth stating that figure is four times that allocated by the Minister by the late De Castro and the Prodi government, what went down in history for having cut the Solidarity Fund in agriculture. Fund that the league would rather forcefully refinance despite attempts by Fini to use this money in other ways. "After months of difficult negotiations between the serene back the agricultural sector and the government driven by the imagination of which the Minister Zaia first time in 12 years has managed to increase heavily the resources for agriculture despite the crisis "had never failed to deal with farmers, even in moments more difficult - remember the Hon. Pini citing for example the Minister to visist Mac Frut in October - just because there was a clear and specific commitment to support agriculture Romagna. Farmers know that they appreciated the serious work, however, is only the beginning: - concluded the Northern League member - must win the battle on the prices of fruit to the supermarket chains are still too low because of excessive fragmentation of supply. "

Sunday, December 6, 2009

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Romagna Region, the announcement of Pines (League): The constitutional amendment is ready "

" The traitors of their land as Errani Balzani or be swept aside by history, when the policy goes against the will of the people always happens. " Thunders Gianluca Pini , Forlì deputy, secretary and leader of Lega Nord Romagna, speaking in the debate on the Romagna Region with an announcement: "The amendment costitiuzionale to be separated from the Romagna is ready to begin in March Commission in the debate in the House. "

Pines, one of the first supporters of the autonomy of Romagna, in 2006 he wrote along with the Minister Calderoli the transitional rule allowing internal autonomy to the Devolution Coast.

" The obstructive referendum on the left, then blew the chance to express themselves democratically Romagnoli - remember Pini - but this time the process will be simpler, with no possibility for certain characters to stop the will of the people. "

Pines on the technical content of the standard does not provide additional details and simply clarifies that" it is well written, thanks to the collaboration of the Ministry Calderoli, the first will be established constitutionally Romagna Region, and will take place only after the referendum. In this way, - said the League's deputy Romagna - replace in the hands of the democratic choice of Romagna alone once and for all to comment on an administrative autonomy that federalists believe sacred and undeniable "

Thursday, December 3, 2009

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Maintaining the presence of crucifixes in classrooms

Group Board


Casola Valsenio


maintaining the presence of crucifixes in classrooms

City Council Casola Valsenio


- that the European Court of Human Rights, based in Strasbourg, with a ruling on Nov. 3 has established that exposure of the crucifix in the classroom is contrary to the right of parents to educate their children in line with their beliefs and with the right of students to freedom of religion;

- that such provisions contrary to the common sentiment of our country, has generated in our area a very broad movement of opinion against the ruling of the EU;


- that the crucifix is \u200b\u200ba sign of unity and acceptance, non-sectarian and universal symbol, not of exclusion or limitation of freedom;

- that is common sense the image of the Crucifix as a sign that goes over the details of the Christian religion and that stands to represent the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof our national community, including the perfectly constitutional;

- that the right secular institutions do not deny the role of Christianity in society and Italian identity;

- the freedom to practice and profess different religions are widely and effectively guaranteed by our legal system;

view - that the rules in force require the presence of crucifixes in classrooms set up with RD of 30 April 1924 reiterated in the 1984 revision Composition;

- that the Council of State and the Constitutional Court in 1988 have confirmed, for the respective role and responsibilities, I'assoluta legitimacy

expresses total sharing with the positions taken at different levels of institutional competence, starting from the expression used by the Head of State'll crucifix is \u200b\u200ba symbol values \u200b\u200bthat are the basis of our identity, "and share equally with actions to maintain your presence in the classroom.

Invite the Mayor of the City of Casola Valsenio to send this resolution to the President of the Republic, the President of the Council of Ministers and the Chairmen of the House and Senate, the President of the province of Ravenna, the President of the Emilia Romagna;

also called the Mayor of the City of Casola Valsenio to take the appropriate steps
likely to represent the willingness expressed by this House.
Casola Valsenio 23/11/2009

local councilors
Alessandra Bertozzi
Paolo Giorgi
Victoria Benericetti
Fabio Pioli

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Opposition to the imposition of time other than the Catholic religion in public schools

Casola Valsenio


Opposition to the imposition of time other than the Catholic religion in
Given that public schools


- Italian culture and society have grown up an education that is deeply rooted in Catholicism;
- the foundations of European civilization and distinct from typical civilization from which many immigrants

- The Catholic faith is an integral and substantial our civilization;

- there is an arrangement between State and Church, renovated in 1984, which mentions in paragraph 30:
- The Italian Republic, recognizing the value of religious culture and keeping in mind the principles of Catholicism are part of the historical heritage of Italian people, will continue to ensure, within the framework of the aims of the school teaching the Catholic religion in public schools to universities all levels. In respect of freedom of conscience and responsibility of parents in education is guaranteed to each individual the right to choose whether to use or not use of that teaching. Upon registration, students or their parents exercise this right upon request from the school, not that their choice may give rise to any form of discrimination;

- there is no other similar arrangement with other religions;

- who does not follow the Catholic religion has now the right and duty to fill that hour with another type of education;

City Council Casola Valsenio
invites the Mayor and the Board

- to express its opposition to any suggestion of the establishment of religion, except that time Catholic, as it was not prescribed by any law and regulation;

- to endorse and support the need for those who choose not to attend the hour Catholic religion, replacing it with an hour of Italian civic education;

- to give notice of this OdG to the MIUR and the Government.

Casola Valsenio 24/11/2009

The City Council
Paolo Giorgi

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Group Consiliare
Casola Valsenio


support the independence of Romagna Region

Given that:

- art. 132. The paragraph of the Italian Constitution provides for the Referendum terri-torial.;

- Romagnolo The territory has all the requirements of the Constitution Region in order to constitute a single entity beginning with a minimum of the millions of inhabitants;

- The constitution requires that at least one third of the councils of the areas interested parties is favorable to the project of establishing a new region for the spin-off Region pre-exist;
- Our history and our regional identity is more than a thousand years, dating back to the memo Ravenna Exarchate established by the Emperor Justinian;

- The unification and to Emilia was just a political action of the Kingdom ' Italy completed in 1861 in order to "control" the anarchists of Romagna, but that did not responsible for the homogeneity of the re- territory and the history and culture of its inhabitants.


with this autonomy we may have advantages such as:

1. An independent court of appeal
2. A self-Regional Administrative Court;
3. An autonomous regional council;
4. Funds directly managed by the Region.

the Mayor and the Board

1. To support the project of autonomy for the Romagna;
2. Expressed support for the establishment of the Romagna Region

Casola Valsenio 23/11/2009

The City Council
Paolo Giorgi