Sunday, July 1, 2007

How To Get Unlimited Sidekick

's interview

Riccardo Montanaro, the 'disturbing Pinin in the Heart of the emblematic figure of the voice actors in the world tells us how a voice-over.

Dubbing is born from the 'need to export the film, and then make them understand.

With the 'advent of sound, there is the problem already in the 30s and Metro Goldwyn Mayer under the direction of' Italian Carlo boeuf begins with the first studies of dubbing, but the road is still long before reaching its present position and was even more difficult because of the war and 'exasperated nazinalismo gods some countries, including the' Italy that prohibited the translation of foreign films.

-which must be the qualities to become a good voice actor?

The versatility and vocal flexibility that allows some of us to embrace several artistic vocations ... a voice actor is challenging, the profession requires a serious school and a long apprenticeship from 'dubbing service, small parties, often with a single beat.

-who coordinates the team of voice actors and the director of dubbing voice actors who often submit to actual samples before making them work ...

Yes, it's true. For some dubbing directors, such as the great Vairano, reliability means that are as artistic directors of the 'orchestra, and personally choose their employees. Until the 70s the dubbing directors were the only ones able to decide whether an item was bene, tanto che a volte capitava che facessero doppiare gli stessi attori italiani da dei colleghi.

Esistono casi in cui nello stesso film un attore recitava materialmente parlando con la propria voce e contemporaneamente doppiava il suo interlocutore.

-quali consigli si sente di dare ai giovani che intendono intraprendere la carriera di doppiatori?

Innanzitutto devono frequentare una buona scuola, ed è consigliabile prima una scuola di teatro ed in seguito una specifica di doppiaggio, poiché le differenze sono notevoli

-in che senso?

Ecco...quando double, your voice speaks from near or far depending on whether the 'actor is or is not in the first piano.poi' vocal is important, more or less launched or stamped following the 'actor, not acting in your turn ... there is a big difference, because the public is not in the pit in front of you, but the microphone becomes your audience, and if you're not of the microphone as they say in the executive, your voice will not have the force instead should have.

-a difficult job well, and long to learn.

Thanking Riccardo Montanaro to indicate the availability to those interested in two websites: and, and highlight text, the Yosi of lost time, DiCola publisher, chiete 2004.

... and have fun!


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