The Tecartherapy (Resistive Capacitive Energy Transfer) and 'a technique that stimulates energy to' internal tissues, activating the normal healing process and anti-inflammatory.
It 's a device that projects radio frequency energy by using a relatively low frequency signal (0.5 MHz, ie' 500,000 Hz), but that makes the transfer of energy by passing electric current due to capacitive and / or resistive. The 'therapeutic action, following the principle of operation, attracting energy from' internal biostructures, has the advantage of a turn and a microiperemia hyperthermia endogenous homogenous, both in surface and depth '.
For the first time 'was applied to the biological field the physical principle of the capacitor resulting in a technology that allows you to speed up the woven operating from' inside, without unnecessary dissipation of energy.
There are three main innovative points:
A) the supply of bio-compatible, and that 'active on the threshold of energy metabolism and subcellular;
B) The specific' action based on the type of tissue (muscle and / or fibroconnettivale ), connected to the dual mode 'capacitive and resistive technology;
C)' s therapeutic efficacy of fabrics unresponsive to their fibrous nature and resistant to treatment. Physics
In many types of energy are considered: for example we speak of thermal energy, kinetic energy, electricity, energy electromagnetic radiation, etc.. Generally
'energy is defined as the ability' of the physical forces to do work, and is calculated as the product of power (work done in a second) time.
The concept of radio wave energy is associated with what constitutes a method of transferring energy into space, respectively, from a transmitter to a receiver-transmitter. The system
TECAR does not use a magnetic field to create a current to the secondary ' internal biostructure (skin tissue, subcutaneous tissue, cartilage, bone, etc) as other technologies have done before, but it is based on the principle of the capacitor to either attract or repel the electric charges to 'inside the biological tissue as opposed to' electrode (current capacitive displacement). Recall that the capacitor is' a particular electrical device consisting of two facing conductive elements separated by an insulating layer. Thanks to
mode 'technique with which it is transferred to the' energy, and Tecar 'characterized by a curve of degradation of' energy that gives evidence of a therapeutic effect can reach the tissues deep. Because 'in a conductor and' can earn more 'positions than those normally found as a result of' mutual attraction between charges of opposite sign, and 'can lead to increased density' charge in the vicinity 'of each constituent element of the capacitor.
And in this way, we briefly describe the behavior of biological tissue in the first game mode 'of Tecar, which' should be referred to as capacitive system. But c 'is a second game mode' of use of Tecar, and that 'the resistive. It takes the electrodes
not isolated: they are called resistive electrodes.
Note that in the first mode ' 's isolation is achieved quite simply the electrodes are usually isolated with a simple ceramic coating, which in the normal instruments of Tecar Therapy can' but 'be removed, and then we will have the second game mode' of use: the mode ' resistive.
You use the same frequency of issuance of the first mode ', but the behavior of biological tissue changes relative to the capacitive system, el' are at the greatest concentration of electrical charges takes place at the point of the organic substrate (bone, cartilage, joint capsule, etc.) offering more 'resistance.
There are variants in which some scientific elements of this technology could be further improved, and we also suggest: ie 'the variable capacitors.
· P, "EXPERIMENTAL STUDY: Tecartherapy. Comparison of two continuous series of young athletes undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, "Milan, 2005.
· Nicoletti M. "Effects of magnetism at the cellular level," La Sapienza Editore, Rome, 2005.