Friday, July 20, 2007

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News regarding Tecartherapy

- by Dr. Mark Nicoletti

The Tecartherapy (Resistive Capacitive Energy Transfer) and 'a technique that stimulates energy to' internal tissues, activating the normal healing process and anti-inflammatory.
It 's a device that projects radio frequency energy by using a relatively low frequency signal (0.5 MHz, ie' 500,000 Hz), but that makes the transfer of energy by passing electric current due to capacitive and / or resistive. The 'therapeutic action, following the principle of operation, attracting energy from' internal biostructures, has the advantage of a turn and a microiperemia hyperthermia endogenous homogenous, both in surface and depth '.
For the first time 'was applied to the biological field the physical principle of the capacitor resulting in a technology that allows you to speed up the woven operating from' inside, without unnecessary dissipation of energy.
There are three main innovative points:
A) the supply of bio-compatible, and that 'active on the threshold of energy metabolism and subcellular;
B) The specific' action based on the type of tissue (muscle and / or fibroconnettivale ), connected to the dual mode 'capacitive and resistive technology;
C)' s therapeutic efficacy of fabrics unresponsive to their fibrous nature and resistant to treatment. Physics
In many types of energy are considered: for example we speak of thermal energy, kinetic energy, electricity, energy electromagnetic radiation, etc.. Generally
'energy is defined as the ability' of the physical forces to do work, and is calculated as the product of power (work done in a second) time.
The concept of radio wave energy is associated with what constitutes a method of transferring energy into space, respectively, from a transmitter to a receiver-transmitter. The system
TECAR does not use a magnetic field to create a current to the secondary ' internal biostructure (skin tissue, subcutaneous tissue, cartilage, bone, etc) as other technologies have done before, but it is based on the principle of the capacitor to either attract or repel the electric charges to 'inside the biological tissue as opposed to' electrode (current capacitive displacement). Recall that the capacitor is' a particular electrical device consisting of two facing conductive elements separated by an insulating layer. Thanks to
mode 'technique with which it is transferred to the' energy, and Tecar 'characterized by a curve of degradation of' energy that gives evidence of a therapeutic effect can reach the tissues deep. Because 'in a conductor and' can earn more 'positions than those normally found as a result of' mutual attraction between charges of opposite sign, and 'can lead to increased density' charge in the vicinity 'of each constituent element of the capacitor.
And in this way, we briefly describe the behavior of biological tissue in the first game mode 'of Tecar, which' should be referred to as capacitive system. But c 'is a second game mode' of use of Tecar, and that 'the resistive. It takes the electrodes
not isolated: they are called resistive electrodes.
Note that in the first mode ' 's isolation is achieved quite simply the electrodes are usually isolated with a simple ceramic coating, which in the normal instruments of Tecar Therapy can' but 'be removed, and then we will have the second game mode' of use: the mode ' resistive.
You use the same frequency of issuance of the first mode ', but the behavior of biological tissue changes relative to the capacitive system, el' are at the greatest concentration of electrical charges takes place at the point of the organic substrate (bone, cartilage, joint capsule, etc.) offering more 'resistance.
There are variants in which some scientific elements of this technology could be further improved, and we also suggest: ie 'the variable capacitors.


· P, "EXPERIMENTAL STUDY: Tecartherapy. Comparison of two continuous series of young athletes undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, "Milan, 2005.
· Nicoletti M. "Effects of magnetism at the cellular level," La Sapienza Editore, Rome, 2005.

Friday, July 6, 2007

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Palladium: Copyright
overprotection and lack of consideration for users.
Susanna Melis

Recently, Microsoft, Intel, Compaq / HP, AMD and IBM have joined forces in a joint project, called the Trusted Computing Platform Alliance, or simply TCPA. The goal of the TCPA Journal
is to raise the level of safety in PC we're going to use in the near future to make it easier for the end user and their use to combat software piracy.
Basically you want to check the copyright through the motherboard, with the inclusion of the Protocol DRM (Digital Rights Menagement) inside the processor, this will enable the "content owners" (ie large corporations) to avoid copies authorized by acting directly on the hardware. There

However, a large reserve on the mode of operation of this processor, justified by the need for secrecy essential to the realization of the project.
Ross Anderson of Cambridge University, said that the operation of the TCPA is based on encryption of communications between the various components (keyboard, player, monitor, ...) of the machine, which starts from a very special chip whose contents is not to say it, encrypted, and whose job is to constantly monitor the system and to monitor all transactions that are to run on the machine (play music, play games, watch a movie).
This chip, which lack content, is in fact the instigator of the codename of the project TCPA, Palladium, which does not relate to the chemical element but eponymous statue of the goddess Athena, which was built in Troy in order to protect the city.

We therefore safer with the new technology but we can only use one.
fact you can no longer run a program or run a specific component that does not comply with TCPA / Palladium, or to obtain a copy of a CD purchased or regularly use free software, all restrictions are likely to make the PC more like a washing machine to a computer and the user more plucking a chicken from the administrator of your PC.
In other words, everything that will go into our computer must be authorized and controlled by technology, some unknown, managed by multinational entertainment, production hardware and software and, by virtue of this, which will be handsomely paid by denied any possibility to use hardware and software alternatives.
susanna melis

Monday, July 2, 2007

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Sports and Health

Cynthia Bufacchi

L 'Autumn is the ideal time to devote to building a harmonious and toned muscles, not only to be beautiful, but also for our health to delay as much as possible' aging tissue.
have a good muscle is not only an aesthetic element but also is essential for a healthy life and be in shape.
The muscles have a 'unique feature of the contract, then against you will do a big favor to them and to yourself.
Now, people might wonder why it is important to keep muscles in shape, and how they can help us stay healthy ... first of all there 'to say that the main role of our young friends is to counteract the force of gravity, in fact we were on the moon walk, run or jump would be much easier and would require about one-sixth of the force used on land instead. In our body
There are approximately 650 skeletal muscles from head to feet that are always at work. there are wide, the thin, long and short, and while women make up 25-35% in body weight in 'man up to 50%.
Each has a specific role: stretches, flexes, adducts, abducts, raises, folds, and may do the circling and twisting motion latter 'that allows us to move on without looking like robots.
The natural conditions of departure are the same for everyone then, we must then see how they exploit them. There are two possibilities: the first is to engage your muscles the bare minimum, which is the most convenient but also more dangerous, long- go not only develop the muscles tend to atrophy resulting in more but with the 'age of the pains and obstacles so annoying, while the second is to train the muscles doing a regular exercise appropriate and thus acquiring more strength and mass in the desired strengthening also the heart and circulation.
careful though not to overdo it, because a heavy workload leads to cramps, sometimes even small contractions to breakage of individual fibers, so our body can not naturally gain more than 2 or 3 kg of mass on 'year.
Apart from the methods that are not natural, and absolutely inadvisable, then it is better to continue to pedal, aerobics or lifting dumbbells ... it will be less spectacular but eventually pays off.
In fact, with the 'forward' s age, muscle mass tends to decrease even up to 40% in the elderly who do not take place in training, as opposed to those taking care of your body that retards the aging process as well as many years.
Therefore, always do sport, how and when you want, but do it the right way ... and with proper supervision ... but hurry up.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

How To Get Unlimited Sidekick

's interview

Riccardo Montanaro, the 'disturbing Pinin in the Heart of the emblematic figure of the voice actors in the world tells us how a voice-over.

Dubbing is born from the 'need to export the film, and then make them understand.

With the 'advent of sound, there is the problem already in the 30s and Metro Goldwyn Mayer under the direction of' Italian Carlo boeuf begins with the first studies of dubbing, but the road is still long before reaching its present position and was even more difficult because of the war and 'exasperated nazinalismo gods some countries, including the' Italy that prohibited the translation of foreign films.

-which must be the qualities to become a good voice actor?

The versatility and vocal flexibility that allows some of us to embrace several artistic vocations ... a voice actor is challenging, the profession requires a serious school and a long apprenticeship from 'dubbing service, small parties, often with a single beat.

-who coordinates the team of voice actors and the director of dubbing voice actors who often submit to actual samples before making them work ...

Yes, it's true. For some dubbing directors, such as the great Vairano, reliability means that are as artistic directors of the 'orchestra, and personally choose their employees. Until the 70s the dubbing directors were the only ones able to decide whether an item was bene, tanto che a volte capitava che facessero doppiare gli stessi attori italiani da dei colleghi.

Esistono casi in cui nello stesso film un attore recitava materialmente parlando con la propria voce e contemporaneamente doppiava il suo interlocutore.

-quali consigli si sente di dare ai giovani che intendono intraprendere la carriera di doppiatori?

Innanzitutto devono frequentare una buona scuola, ed è consigliabile prima una scuola di teatro ed in seguito una specifica di doppiaggio, poiché le differenze sono notevoli

-in che senso?

Ecco...quando double, your voice speaks from near or far depending on whether the 'actor is or is not in the first piano.poi' vocal is important, more or less launched or stamped following the 'actor, not acting in your turn ... there is a big difference, because the public is not in the pit in front of you, but the microphone becomes your audience, and if you're not of the microphone as they say in the executive, your voice will not have the force instead should have.

-a difficult job well, and long to learn.

Thanking Riccardo Montanaro to indicate the availability to those interested in two websites: and, and highlight text, the Yosi of lost time, DiCola publisher, chiete 2004.

... and have fun!