Monday, March 15, 2010

How Old Is Maximounds

auction or sale?

Una delle ricerche più gettonate delle ultime settimane su Google è proprio ragazze all'asta con un trend decisamente in crescita (registra un +170% sul Italian territory, with peaks in the center-south). Among the possible outcomes, is a site that does the "towards" the famous RIV ( girls for sale, a sort of erotic chat in which girls without too many clothes trying to earn a little cash while show in webcam) that the news of a young student (this Stacey Hannant, the hottest 18 year old UK ) which, put up for auction by a Dutch auction site , was won by a young ladies not less than 1 euro! The winner has spent an evening by candlelight in a prestigious restaurant in London with the beautiful Stacey, then the evening ended in disco e. .. no one knows if it happened or not what everyone thinks, the news leaves in doubt the outcome of the evening! In any case, this can happen even on the internet, but I highly doubt that a sufficient single meeting to lay the foundations for a lasting relationship!


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